Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

<p>I am curious as to the reputation of this school around the country. As a resident of the Philadelphia area, I hear great things and it seems to be considered a highly regarded program for fine art. However, I am not sure I remember anybody discussing this outside of my area and I just wonder how reknowned the school really is?
Anybody have any comments or familiarity with " the Academy" ?
Thanks for sharing!</p>

<p>from what i've heard PAFA is very well regarded in the art world. i know it doesnt have an undergraduate degree program (i think its a certificate?) but their MFA program is top notch. i <em>think</em> it's more of a classical approach (by all means, someone correct that if it's wrong) compared to other well known programs. i guess i can't tell you much other than yes, it is respected outside of Philly.</p>

<p>edit: im not from philly</p>

<p>Thanks. Coincidentally, they will be offering a BFA now so that may make them even more desirable.
I just see MICA, SCAD, RISD, Parsons, Pratt, etc discussed here all of the time and wondered why I never see mention of PAFA.</p>

<p>I would like to hear more about PAFA as well. I am curious how an eighteen year old fits in the mix, many students appear older and more experienced.</p>

<p>Is it weird that I’ve lived in SEPA for my whole life and have never heard of this school?</p>

<p>The museum/school is at Cherry and Broad. It is beautiful, the facilities are state of art. My daughter had heard from several people it was too small but after one visit, the school and quality of the student work speaks for itself. The admission people really seem proud to be working there which sends a good message. I seems like a great school for the right person. I was hoping to hear from students who attend to see where they live and hang out in their free time. I would also be interested to know if commuting from New Jersey made it more difficult. University of PA student may have input as well, if they are in the BFA program.</p>

<p>Their studios were quite impressive; however, they don’t have dorms (we were told there were a few hotel rooms near UPenn where a very limited number of students resided) and liberal arts courses are taken at UPenn through UPenn’s continuing ed program. It is a good fine arts school.</p>