People who are against gay marriages seem to have no trouble with terrorists marrying


<p>Isn't time for blame America first elitists to come out of their closets and tell us why they really are against gay marriages? It's a red herring by the East Coast intellectual pacifist media to distract us from the true issue. Terrorist marriages.</p>

<p>Right now, all over the world, literally DOZENS of terrorists are attempting to santify their unholy union. Where's the outrage? Where's the justice?</p>

<p>Restraining marriages for terrorists is pure eugenics. Study statistics on WWII to see example of eugenics in work.
Now, there's clear difference between gay and straight marriages and fuzzy/subjective/unreliable difference between terrorist and non-terrorist. I can certainly prove that all American presidents were terrorists by definition that Wikipedia gives us.</p>

<p>I fully support gay marriage cause that way I can marry my best friend and get financial aid and appear gay cause I hang out with him a lot!</p>

<p>Married="independent"=financial aid!</p>

<p>Otherwise I will have fun paying $48k a year.</p>

<p>I think I just had a near-death experience opening this foum. I mean, I think my braincells almost stopped firing for a moment there. Anyway, for some reason beyond any mortal explanation my mouse led me here.</p>

<p>And after reading it, I've decided to live in a cave.</p>

<p>After reading this on CC, I think I may not go to college.</p>

<p>ICrisis = antidrug?</p>

<p>This is by far the weirdest thread I've seen here in CC since I joined 9 months ago!!</p>

<p>What are you talking about? Terrorist marrying? HUH?</p>

<p>stuck-on-1700, I would much rather prefer saying something that I would be banned for on this forum to OP, but decided otherwise :D</p>

<p>okay, but it's still really weird.</p>