<p>Have you guys ever had to bear the burden of facing these types of people in school? You know, you're the kid who gets straight A's and who the teachers recognize as intelligent and hardworking, but somehow there's those certain people who will try to take advantage of you to get answers to homework and other work because they're freaking idiots who literally don't possess an ounce of critical thinking ability or common sense in their brains? Have you ever had to deal with these annoying people? Like seriously, sometimes I even wonder how they managed to bypass the requirements for entering AP and even Honors classes because they're serious idiots who can't figure out something because it's too "hard" - when either the answer is right in the assignment or textbook or the fact that they don't have enough common sense to figure out something just by means of doing something called "thinking." Dumb people are okay, and lazy people are okay, but it's the people who are of both qualities that really irritate me - the people who try to feign intelligence by taking honors and AP classes, yet don't even try in the class and when they get help, it's usually over something so stupid and simple that they could have done by themselves. Have you guys ever felt like this or had to deal with people like this? How do you rid yourselves of these people?</p>
<p>Nope. Sucks to be you brah.</p>
<p>OH MAN this thread hits the dot. I CAN’T STAND these people.</p>
<p>I think you should like that they look up to you for being smart. And if you can help them with the work, then you should help them be smarter too. You can make friends that way. And just cause someone isnt as smart as you doesnt mean you cant be friends with them.</p>
<p>^That’s not what Jigglypuff’s saying. I believe she is talking about the people who are too lazy to try to work problems out on their own and who depend on the more talented students to help them out as much as possible. These are students who are enrolled in advanced classes but shouldn’t be.</p>
<p>^^That’s not what I’m saying. I’m talking about people who first of all don’t have brains to begin with but also don’t even put any effort into trying out the assignment and work themselves, going straight, without a thought, to other people for answers so frequently that it becomes a dependence problem and a hindrance to the person being “look[ed] up to…for being smart.”</p>
Yes, and that.</p>
<p>Have you tried saying “No” or “I’m not sure”?</p>
<p>I have to say I can be lazy sometimes, however me and my friends usually help each other out with each other’s homework so we all give and take, we don’t mind sharing our answers/solutions for math. The annoying thing is when your friend(s) insist you all study together in the library before a test and they ask you for your answers the entire time.</p>
<p>Anybody should be allowed to take the classes he/she wants.</p>
<p>^ Oh god. That would really **** off the people who are in the top 10% of the class and take AP/honors classes succesfully. We don’t really need anymore idiots who seem to have been able to to successfully evade the filter and requirements the classes put forth. Those people tend to always drag the classes down simply because they can’t keep ahead or because they’re loud and talkative, distracting the teachers.</p>
<p>@Wartsandall Yeah, and their reactions are pretty sad. Usually they just resume in asking for the answers/help.</p>
<p>I am both of these people. ;)</p>
<p>^^I agree. For the first time, I share your views, Jiggly.</p>
Evolutionarily speaking, tool use is a sign of intelligence. You’re just jealous.</p>
<p>I think this is why so many of my classes are screwed up.</p>
<p>About the topic, those people are indeed annoying. Luckily, I don’t have too many of them.</p>
<p>Welcome to HS.
Please remember, people are abusers.</p>
<p>Maybe you should learn to disguise your answer so they have to think.</p>
<p>^^^ And what about people who are even more “intelligent,” as you say," and are able to not be taken advantage of by such “tools?”</p>
<p>That seems strange to not have a criteria for a more rigorous class, every school I’ve attended has made sure only the most capable are in the hardest classes (even in elementary school, we had 4 classes from the class for the most able to the ones struggling, according to our performances the year before and from a test we had to take).</p>
<p>^^ If the users can get the work done with less effort by utilizing the effort of a tool, they are being smart. The tool is only a tool because it doesn’t have the spine to stand up and say no. Maybe the tool gets some kind of masochistic pleasure from being used while feeling a bitter sense of resentment towards the user…?</p>
<p>^ Excellent point.
So glad I don’t have to deal with this. In smart classes with smart people.</p>
<p>Or you have ****ty teachers who can’t lay the hammer down.</p>
<p>Is this a joke…?</p>
<p>Of course my statement was in reason. I do not imply that a person who just finished algebra 2 can jump straight to Calc BC, but more a person going into english 2 honors from english 1 regular.</p>