<p>I plan to apply ED to performance studies, but I read that the department only accepted three students last year. Does anyone know if this proportional to the number that apply? I'm kind of freaking out. :/</p>
<p>Very few people apply. Then again, very few (including some of the people ACTUALLY IN THE PROGRAM) even know what it actually is >_<</p>
<p>(I do, but I once heard a Perf. Studies major going on about it and be mistaken fundamentally… And since it was WHILE I was doing an indipendent study drawing mainly from performance studies with a performance studies PhD … yah)</p>
<p>Do you know what it is?</p>
<p>My son is one of the three freshman that enterred the Performance Studies program and he loves it. As a freshman, he has already been introduced to many of the high profile professors (including Mary Zimmerman) and has been involved with many of the functions they have to offer.</p>
<p>Do you have any questions regarding this program? I’d be happy to pass it along to my son.</p>
<p>Arbiter, I think I understand it based on the website and information session, but most of the descriptions tend to be pretty vague (so I’m guessing it’s a broad field?) From what I’ve gathered, it’s the analysis and adaptation of literature into performance, along with theoretical study of the performing arts. Of course, correct me if I’m wrong. I’d hate to apply to something if I don’t know what it is. :P</p>
<p>And thanks, my main question is the competitiveness thing.</p>