Performing arts video help

Looooong time lurker, first time poster! CC has been my little internet distraction for years, and kiddo is finally at the age to be applying to prep schools.

Kid has 2 performing arts activites - one music and one dance. I’d like to submit links to 2 videos - one with parts of 2 different music performances, and one with parts of 2 different dance performances. (Each video to be ~2 min - trying to give a sense of the activities but not overwhelm AOs.) And I’d like to include in the videos a little text footer that says what each thing is (e.g., spring 2023 ensemble performance).

I need tech help (or advice on a better approach). How do I do this? Is there an app? I can edit videos on google photos, but not sure how to combine parts from two videos. (We’re an Android/Google family, not iPhone if sending app recs.)

Thank you! (Eek - first CC post!)

Can’t help with the tech support, but welcome!

Thank you!

As I watch the videos, I may be answering my own questions - one each of music and dance will probably be fine, so I probably don’t need to do combos. This isn’t the kind of thing where the kid has Juilliard in the sights or anything, more looking to give a flavor of the ECs, which will definitely come up in interviews and essays. But any and all advice still welcome. I am a very inexperienced performing arts mom!

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The best way to do it is through YouTube links. Post the videos to YouTube. You can label the videos as Unlisted so that only people you provide the link to can view them. You can also provide whatever description you want in the title of the video. Most schools prefer the YouTube links because it avoids any issues with file sizes and formats.


Check each school. It’s been a couple years but I know my kid had to edit her dance supplement differently for different schools. It was a bit of a pain but not as awful as other parts of the process. She definitely used clips from various performances as well as some original content. Many schools use the same program for uploading - can’t remember the name - but others allowed YouTube or other links. Make sure not to password protect links if you go that way. Also be aware that several schools didn’t send instructions/links to upload until after the application was submitted so give yourself a few extra days to submit. Also pay attention to time limits -some schools allow 2 minutes, some 4 or whatever and if there are multiple people in the video you must clearly label the applicant -

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To edit video, there is a free software “shotcut”, NOT shortcut. It’s quite powerful and there’re plenty of tutorials on YouTube.

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Could I dm you some advice about the performing arts thing?

It has been a few years since dd sent videos but I think both boarding schools and colleges were using slideroom to upload videos. Pretty sure she combined videos maybe in iMovie and just uploaded in each school’s application. She did not use YouTube for anything. Good luck!

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Sure! Please do.

I use Vimeo. I found it much easier to use than YouTube. They have a free subscription option. I have the Plus plan, so I pay $7/month.

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This may not be helpful since you are not an Apple family, but if you have access to a Mac, iMovie is a very easy app to learn. You can combine videos, add fancy titles and text and publish directly to YouTube.

Dropbox is another great option