Personal Essay Title?

<p>Should you include a title with your personal essay? I was under the impression that if you didn't have a profound, witty, etc. title for your essay, you shouldn't bother with one, but even if you can't come up with one of these, is it necessary to give it a straightforward title?</p>

<p>Nope… I didn’t give my essay a title…</p>

<p>I gave mine a title…</p>

<p>I didn’t give my essay a title. Does it really matter? The content should speak for itself…at least I would think.</p>

<p>it’s a matter of personal choice. i gave mine titles, because personally I feel like a good title increases the cohesiveness and overall message of an essay, but it doesn’t matter too much if you didn’t…</p>

<p>I see it this way: Sometimes, when I’m writing an essay, I have a title in mind from the get-go that will make the overall theme of the piece stronger. Other times, I get a sudden jolt of inspiration and come up with a title with a similar purpose.</p>

<p>Mostly, though, I don’t like using titles. If you’ve already written your piece and have to strain to come up with that “special” title, I would just leave it off and avoid sounding forced.</p>

<p>no, you definitely don’t need a title. not that having one is a bad thing.</p>

<p>I didn’t give my essays titles. I think it would be good to include a good title, but you shouldn’t force it.</p>

<p>My essays don’t have titles.</p>