Personal Statement Help?

Hey, I’m currently a rising senior(still about 2-3 weeks of Junior year left). Next week in APLang, we are writing our personal statements for colleges. Throughout my four years in high school, I’ve been involved in a lot of extra curricular and rigorous classes. However, I’m completely drawing a blank on what I could possible write about myself. I’m planning on applying to a lot of top colleges, so my PS basically has to be flawless. I really want it to be able a situation/event that has significant impact on my life, but thinking of a very unique one is hard. Sure I could do sports, etc. but that seems much to bland and overused. Any help?

We also did a similar thing in my AP lang class. TBH, I do not think the subject matter is what’s important-- the way your essay exposes your personality is what colleges look for. Here are some guidelines that we learned from professionals/ reading through examples:

  1. Always make sure your essay connects to you/ exposes your personality. The story you tell is not important, but make sure that at the end of your essay, the school would have the ability to distinguish you from other kids. (i.e. if you write about how to make the best cookie ever, tell a specific story, and connect it to you)
  2. Make sure you avoid clichés! Today in class, we read over a bunch of essays and we found that the largest problem in all of them was over use of clichéd phrases and ideas. Everything you write should be original.
  3. Chose a topic that you can write a lot on. If you are really involved with certain ECs, it might be smart to choose one moment where you saw yourself changing because you would probably have a lot to write about. If you spend hours after school folding laundry, watching your siblings, etc., it could be smart to write about that because you have so much experience with it. People from my school have gotten into MIT, Northwestern, and the ivies with well-written essays on simple, everyday topics.
  4. Sometimes going the route of the metaphor works, sometimes it does not. You can choose to write about how something is a metaphor for your life. Makes sure, though, that you heed to suggestion 2 and avoid clichés. Also, make sure that the metaphor does not overpower your personality.
  5. Think outside of the box and take a risk. Sometimes writing about risky subjects or writing in a risky manner can make your essay stand out. Avoid being offensive, though!

To be honest, the way I wrote my college essay was just to begin writing on a topic that I had a slight idea. Then, after I had a super rough draft, I edited the essay to allow for my personality to shine through more. Beginning to write, even if you do not know exactly what you want to say, is a good idea.

If you have any more questions, feel free to message me!

Good luck!

Maybe it would be easier for you to go backwards. What are your plans for the future? Your academic interests? Your passions? What do you feel defines you? Then once you have answers to questions like those, think about how those things developed in you. What events caused you to be interested in this, caused you to think like this, etc.? It doesn’t have to sound significant to be significant.

It doesn’t have to be unique. It just has to be good.

I’m rising senior and planning to apply to top colleges too! However, I do find it is hard for me to write personal statement. So much pressure honestly.