<p>I know the application says the statement should be fewer than 500 words, but how strictly do they expect us to follow that? Is it just a guideline? The essay I want to use is about 900 words but I’m really proud of it the way it is and I think that it would really lose a lot if I were to crop it. Am I wrong to hope that because it’s brown and they have such a laid back reputation that they won’t be anal about word count, or should I do my best to cut it down?</p>
<p>there is a huge difference between 500 and 900 words.cut it donw like 150 or 200w and it should be allright.</p>
<p>On the same note, is about 620 words alright?</p>
<p>620 is probably ok but you should try to cut it a little if you can. 900 is definitely too long. If you feel really happy with the way it is already, ask a college counselor or an English teacher about ways to cut down wordy sentences without losing too much content.</p>
<p>I've heard before that as long as you keep your personal statement two double-spaced pages, you'll be fine. Times New Roman, 12 font, etc.</p>