Personal Statement

<p>For my personal statement i am writing about my "passions" of computer programming and golf. is this a good idea to focus my personal statement on these two intrests or should i make it more broad and incorporate more things.</p>

<p>(i dont want to play golf at stanford but i have played golf for many years and was all state in virginia last year)</p>

<p>Cdub, if those are the topics that you can write most meaningfully about, then you should, but keep in mind that those topics probably show up in lots of personal statements each year. You’d want to make sure you put a memorable, unusual spin on them. Good luck.</p>

<p>do you really think they see a lot of kids who are computer programmers and golfers?
cuz i was kinda going for the whole “well rounded” thing.</p>

<p>^I’m friends with two guys that fit that description, actually (like legit golfers, not hacks).</p>

<p>Won’t you probably be writing about one for the EC short-essay? I actually wrote mine about golf, and I thought it was really cool. Pretty easy too, since there are so many emotions and investment in golf ya know? I got lucky though cause right before I wrote the essay I ended my competitive career on a drained 15-foot snake followed by a sick Tiger fist-pump (this was before everything, remember) so I had a cool anecdote to start off with. </p>

<p>Depending on how intense you are at CS, you may want to write about that. But you want to show something about your character probably too. In other words don’t just write about how great you are at CS, cause that will probably show up in other areas of the app (classes, awards, ECs, etc.).</p>

<p>Just a suggestion on my part, write about CS and golfing separately. You don’t have a lot of room to write, and writing about two things means that neither can be fully developed.</p>

<p>thanks a lot guys i think im gonna write about just one of them</p>

<p>also, senior0991, did you get in?</p>

<p>Senior0991 is a current student</p>

<p>^stalker! :p</p>

<p>hahah thanks.
and senior0991 wanna read my essay when im done?</p>

<p>or NJDS i dont care i just want somebody to read it</p>

<p>uh yeah sure. check your pm inbox.</p>