Personal Statements

<p>Do you think 350 words for each statement is ok. One of my statements is 347 words while the other is 358 words.</p>

<p>Think in terms of quality. Not quantity.</p>

<p>If you got your point out in XXX words, you achieved your goal.</p>

<p>I don’t think Wisconsin has a word limit on their essays. I think you are fine w/the lengths of your essays. My daughter asked her English teacher about how long to make her college essays when they don’t have a word limit on them. Her English teacher (who used to have a job where she read college essays) told her that good rule of thumb would be to limit her essays to 500 words or less (when no word limit is given). I agree w/the previous poster who said that the quality rather than quantity is what is most important. If you feel that you were able to state your point in about 350 words or so, then you are probably fine. Try to have your parents or one of your English teachers at your school read your essays to give you feedback. Good luck!</p>

<p>I just wanted to add that I just looked at the word count for my daughter’s first essay (the one where you have to write about something in your life you think goes unnoticed) and her word count was 465 words. I think aiming between 300 to 500 words is a good rule of thumb.</p>