Personality Typing

<p>My ESFP personality really matches my leo personaliy: outgoing and social.</p>

<p>But I've never really thought of myself as outgoing. And not even very social. Hmm...I guess I do have a lot of friends, but my life goal is definitely not to be an actress.</p>

<p>I got ISTJ =]</p>

<p>I've gotten INTJ every time</p>

<p>pft. I'm another INTJ.
Introverted 33%
Intuitive 62%
Thinking 50%
Judging 67%</p>

<p>woot. haha. i don't think it matters too too much (to the op). or atleast, it shouldn't.</p>

<p>hmm, i distinctly remember being an ESTJ last year, but I guess i've changed into an....</p>

Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging </p>

<pre><code> 67% 88% 12% 56%

<p>they're so fun. :)</p>

<p>I am ALWAYS an ENFP, which totally fits my creative Leo personality. It's scary how accurate it is.</p>

<p>To whoever said that INTJs are the rarest, I believe that INTPs are actually the rarest...long live the future Newtons and Pascals!!!!</p>

<p>INFJs are rarest, aren't they?</p>