Pet peeves during lecture: what are yours?

<p>@ zchryevns: if someone’s sick for more than a week, they need to attend some of their classes. During the month when I was sick, I couldn’t afford to miss class more than a certain number of times because if I did, my grades would have suffered. Between staying home constantly and letting my grades suffer due to too many absences and going to school with a cold, I chose to bear my cold and come to school. And yes, I did take medicine to help my cold. I’m pretty sure that in universities, you’re not allowed to miss a certain amount of lectures, either.</p>

<p>I hate when professors use bright colored markers, especially yellow.</p>

<p>^Every lecture I’ve ever had didn’t take attendance. For one class I only went to three, but that’s because we didn’t have any tests or anything. Discussions are what you generally have to go to.</p>

<p>And yeah if people are sick for more than a few days, they gotta go to class. Sorry.</p>

<p>Almost all of my classes have taken attendance, including some large lecture hall. I was seriously disillusioned when I got to college and realized there was still attendance.</p>

<p>THAT’s my effing pet peeve!</p>

<p>How can they keep track of everyone in a huge lecture hall?!</p>

<p>I feel like you’d spend half the class just seeing who was there!</p>

<p>I had one professor that actually called out everyone’s names in a 300+ person class. And there are the quizdom things. And there is even a lecture hall on campus where you have to swipe your card, I think. But most of my classes have not been massive ones, not even the lecture hall ones.</p>

<p>@ those who complain about those being late: I don’t know about others, but I know I have a legitimate excuse for being late to my Calculus class. I take an Anthropology class prior to that Calculus class, and it takes place off-campus at the Cal State Fullerton - Irvine campus rather than at IVC. I only have 10 minutes between the time my Anthropology class ends and the time my Calculus class begins. 6 minutes is spent driving back to campus (or 8 if there’s traffic or the traffic light is taking a long time to change from green to red), and 2 minutes is spent looking for parking (which is horrible around noon), and then another couple of minutes walking from the parking lot to my Calculus class (I very rarely park in the parking lot closest to the math building, because it’s always full and I know I will have a hard time find parking there).</p>

<p>I do find it annoying how there’s a back door in the classroom my Calculus class is held in (there are two doors), but it’s only accessible from the inside. I wish it was accessible from the outside so I could just enter from the back.</p>

<p>Just because they have a good excuse doesn’t mean I can’t find it annoying!</p>

<p>Attendance is annoying too. At my school we actually have to buy little remote controls that we have to bring to big lectures and “click in” to get attendance points. It sucks.</p>

<p>Can’t you just click in and then leave? Doesn’t work too well for I-just-don’t-feel-like-getting-out-of-bed skipping, but when you want to skip to actually do something more productive, isn’t that an option?</p>

<p>-People that eat during class. If it’s candy or a sandwich or something, I don’t care, but I don’t want to watch/smell you eating your Chik Fil A combo meal and smoothie when I’m trying to pay attention to the lecture. Plus, it can get loud with wrappers and such. There was this girl in one of my classes at the beginning of the semester who one day brought tortillas and little tupperware containers with ingredients in them and literally sat there making burritos during lecture. </p>

<p>-People that sit on the very edge of empty rows in crowded lecture halls, forcing anyone who comes in afterwards to wade through crowds of people to find a seat. </p>

<p>-Brown-nosers who openly laugh at everything the professor says. I had this one kid in my meteorology class last semester who had a man-crush on the professor and would sit in the front row and laugh after almost literally everything he said. (and trust me, meteorology is NOT funny)</p>

<p>LOL @ the girl making burritos in class! Pure ridiculousness.</p>



<p>No, its so stupid. This is a picture of the things we have to lug around: <a href=“Home - Echo360”>Home - Echo360;

<p>Most professors do periodic check-up Multiple Choice questions throughout lecture so not only does the clicker count for attendance but you actually have to get the questions right. And because they do it sporatically throughout the class period you can’t just click and leave. Definitely my biggest lecture pet peeve.</p>

<p>Attendance has been required for the vast majority of my lectures. They make us find the TAs who mark us off (by sections) or they have us sign in on sheets posted in the back of the room. The science classes also use the clicker things for attendance quizzes. No, that doesn’t stop me from giving my clicker to my friend if I want to skip.</p>

<p>Okay, so about those clicker things… if you had a friend that you had a class with, couldn’t you just give them your clicker and they could click you in? Or take turns doing that for each other?</p>

<p>^ People do that all the time, but you need to be really discreet about it. There was a kid in one of my lectures last semester who had like 7 of them sitting on his desk and he got caught and roasted. But yes it’s very easy to do.</p>

<p>People who literally ask at least 3 questions per lecture, many of which are just obscure details never to be tested.</p>

<p>I had to use clickers for my engineering lecture last semester, but the lectures were actually pretty interesting and they were in the afternoon, so I usually went.</p>

<p>This one guy who sits next to me in my English class always has one of those water bottles with those pop-up caps, and it’s really noisy and annoying, especially if we’re writing an in class essay. </p>

<p>Also, people who constantly whisper during lectures. Holy **** shut the heck up!</p>

<p>1) Older students who ask absolutely unrelated and nonsensical questions
2) Taking attendance (unfortunately this is pretty much in all my classes, not just lectures)
3) This one guy who always strikes up a conversation with me and I cannot stand him</p>

<p>Oh, another pet peeve: I had this professor last semester who tried to strike up discussions about the material every class period - which would have been a good idea if there weren’t 600 students in the class. Usually it just resulted in a bunch of people screaming at each other from across the lecture hall about welfare, socialism, etc.</p>



<p>This. The worst is the “try to persuade you” part. I was working on an in-class assignment with a friend who sat next to me, and the guy who sat next to him said to us, “Now, I hate to be the guy who doesn’t do anything and just copies your work, but I’m going to be that guy. So, hmm, number one, interesting question, what do you guys think?”</p>

<p>He was an offensive lineman for the football team, and as such, he was way, way bigger than me, but I wasn’t going to take that BS. I replied, “What do you think?” My friend likewise didn’t take it and said, “The case is pretty short. I have the book here if you want to read it.” He looked at us and decided not to write anything on his paper. Thankfully, he never sat next to us again for the rest of the semester.</p>