<p>Hey everyone, I've been getting really good advices on things at SD over the past couple of months that I've been lurking on here. Thanks to everyone for that. </p>
<p>I've seen the Chem 6BL petition thread before on how it goes and everything, but I tried to find it again, it disappeared... I don't know what happened to it. But yeah, I was wondering if any of you could inform me again on what the process is like and when/what I should do about it/go to get it done. I just checked the online calendar for the spring quarter, registration is coming up pretty soon. I get priority registration over my fellow classmates because I'm a "junior" status freshman. I took AP chem in high school and did a lot of labs. So I was wondering if I could get out of 6BL next quarter because it'll be one more other class I can take to complete my requirement. Thanks in advance! I'm a human bio major by the way, with a minor in Chinese studies.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, can someone tell me what labs are covered in 6BL and the ones I need from AP chem to use? And if the old labs need to be graded or not?</p>
<p>Uh you need a lab notebook, and I think a 5 on the AP test is required now. I petitioned with my old graded lab reports only and it got rejected, despite getting a 5 on the AP. One thing they said was that, because I didn’t have a notebook, there is no evidence of “good notebook-taking procedures.” So I guess a notebook with your lab reports is a good combo, but they also said I didn’t do like 1 or 2 labs that is apparently in the Chem 6bl curriculum. I was pretty unhappy, but whatever. Best of luck if you decide to petition.</p>
<p>get your hands on an old 6BL notebook and copy accordingly … make sure to preserve the format of the labs in there, etc. the actual material is less important – they want to make sure that you’ve done acceptably-challenging labs, but if all your expts match 6BL, they’ll see right through it.</p>
<p>Go to the chem office I think in York 2 something. You can ask for a petition and they’ll give it to you. I’m not sure if the 5 is required, but they do ask for your score, and I remember reading on this forum that they only accept 5s now. But your best bet is to go to the office and ask them. Anyways, the 5 sure as hell didn’t help me.</p>
<p>I emailed the chem office and they said that a 5 on the AP exam is required. Yes, you get the forms in York, room 4010 if I remember correctly. I tried petitioning, too, but I was rejected. I thought I had a good chance, too, since I had a lot of labs done. I believe you also have to submit a syllabus (I asked my teacher for another copy).
Well, it certainly doesnt hurt to try and it doesnt take too much time to fill out a petition. Good Luck!</p>