Peyton Place - December CC Book Club Selection

I’m going to keep watching for it. She said she’s on her last draft and that after the New Year she will be looking for a publisher. So, it could be a while, and I have no idea if it will be any good.

Her name is Cathi Hill, so everyone should watch for it with me.

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Here you go: North and South - February CC Book Club Selection

I passed my copy of Peyton Place to two avid reader friends. One rated it three stars on Goodreads, a typical rating for her; she liked it. My other friend thoroughly enjoyed it - 4 stars on Goodreads. She views it as early soap opera, one that preceded tv soaps. One thing she didn’t like: it continued after Selena’s trial ended. She just felt no need to spend more time with Allison.

I wouldn’t have picked up Peyton Place on my own. It amuses me to think I not only enjoyed reading and discussing it but passed it along to two friends who also enjoyed it.


Oh, that makes me smile, @ignatius !!

Actually, that’s one of the reasons to be in a book club – it forces you to read things you wouldn’t have otherwise.


I didn’t have time to read the book or join in during December, but for anyone with interest in the movie version…

I was on the Camden, Maine library website today for something totally unrelated, and learned that the movie was filmed in Camden. Here’s info on the movie locations:

They also have a small “Peyton Place Collection”-- I can’t link directly to it, but you can search for it on the library website linked above if you’re interested.

Beautiful town (and library) BTW, if you’re ever up in Maine on vacation.