<p>Hello, can anyone give me some advice on which of the following classes to phase 1/2?</p>
<p>Public Policy C103
Math 53
CS 61A
Astronomy C10</p>
<p>Unfortunately, almost all of my classes seem pretty popular according to CC...not sure if I should risk phase 2'ing a technical to get either Astro or PP...</p>
<p>I’d say phase 1 Math 53 and CS61a since these are pre-reqs for a lot of classes and will likely fill up faster.</p>
<p>You won’t get PP C103 if you phase 2 it from what I’ve heard
but I think CS61A is supposed to let practically everyone off the waitlist!!
look on telebearsoracle.com to see how quickly they fill up; I haven’t taken any of these!</p>
<p>I hate to revive this thread but I noticed that there’s already a sizable waitlist for CS61A - 66 people, even though the class is only 50/594 filled so far! - and that any hopes to get into Public Policy c103 is gone with a 170+ waitlist :/</p>
<p>My main question is should I be worried about the large waitlist for CS61A? Or is it still phase 2-able? (My phase 1 is pretty late, Nov. 7th
<p>berkeley17, read here: [Getting</a> Into CS Classes | EECS at UC Berkeley](<a href=“http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Policies/enrollment.shtml]Getting”>Getting Into Computer Science Classes - Google Docs)</p>
<p>Basically there’s a waitlist because of priorities and major/class restrictions. With Hilfinger teaching it you might be able to get away with Phase 2, but as a general rule you’re supposed to Phase 1 your CS classes… especially if you don’t get priority for them.</p>
<p>Also, keep in mind that telebears dates are based off of credits… 61A is a lower division class so it’ll probably get more popular when freshmen (and possibly sophomore) dates roll around.</p>