Phi Kappa Phi and Tau Beta Pi

<p>Anyone familiar with these honor societies?</p>

<p>Son is a mechanical engineering major. Even though he’s finishing his second semester of his second year, he’s classified as a junior because of AP and summer courses.</p>


<p>the second one is the eng’g honors society.</p>

<p>The first one is somewhat similar to PBK, and admits engineers.</p>

<p>So I take it, if one is invited to join those societies, those are good ones to join.</p>

<p>S2 accepted his invite to phi kappa phi… so i hope it legit :slight_smile: He also accepted golden key…but has not responded to a few others</p>

<p>DD has been invited to Phi Kappa Phi, Blue Key, and something else. She hasn’t accepted any yet, and is planning on missing the tapping ceremony to represent UA at the Model UN conference in Chicago that weekend. I was looking forward to a trip south in April for the tapping. Oh well, maybe next year.</p>

<p>On another high note…DD has been selected as a College of A and S Ambassador for 2012-13.
She is really taking advantage of all the opportunities at UA. Roll Tide</p>

<p>Catfan…congrats to your D. :)</p>

<p>I think I should make a thread where Bama people can post their own or their kids’ awards, achievements, opportunities, research, etc.</p>

<p>It’s nice that there are honor societies that reward our “regular kids” for their great grades and outstanding work in the classroom.</p>

<p>While there are many superstars out there who get incredible opportunities, it’s nice that our kids who just study hard get a pat on the back now and then.</p>

<p>BTW, I didn’t post this thread to “brag” on my son. Because my son is not a superstar, he’s gotten very suspicious when invited to honor societies, especially those with Greek letters, as he thinks they are social fraternities, not really honor societies. I’m having a tough time trying to get him to join honor societies, as someone looking at his resume without seeing his transcript would have no idea what a good student he actually is.</p>

<p>My dad had the Tau Beta Pi symbols on his class ring (from UT-Austin) and for some reason that fascinated me as a kid. When I decided to go into engineering at UT, I was determined to do well enough to earn those same symbols on MY ring! I did and was very proud. Engineers know about Tau Beta Pi and they respect people who get into the society. Montegut, congrats to your son getting in as a junior - the requirements are stiffer for juniors than for seniors! I even put that on my resume when I was looking for my first job - “inducted into Tau Beta Pi as a junior.”</p>


<p>Oh, my point wasn’t about your post. Catfan’s post was the inspiration about a thread. :)</p>

<p>^^^Thanks so much for the words of encouragement, Maine. I will pass that on to my son. I will make sure he puts those same words on his resume as well.</p>

<p>No offense, Mom. And I didn’t mean to offend, either. We just are humble people and didn’t want to give the impression we were bragging.</p>

<p>hey montegut - my daughter was invited, too. another regular kid! : )</p>

<p>congrats to your son.</p>

<p>Intent was not too brag, but DD is suspicious of some invitations as well. Especially since shew did not apply to PKP. She asked on facebook if it was a legit org. so I checked here. I knew I could find the answer.</p>

<p>To all those students and parents who are worried about the UA experience if their son or daughter doesn’t get accepted to CBH or Fellows, there are plenty of academic opportunities and acknowledgments. My daughter came to UA from oos because she wanted to get out from under the microscope of being at a small high school and the state U’s where her friends were going. She has done everything but!</p>

<p>College is what you make of it. The honor societies are a nice recognition for all the hard work both in and out of the class room.</p>

<p>Catfan, my DS will be doing his second year as an A&S Ambassador. He absolutely loves the program and Susan Halliday. Congrats to your child! On a side note, he also got the PKP invite and we also have been wondering if he should join…It is hard to know which are good to put on resumes and which are not…</p>

<p>Tau Beta Pi is a legit engineering honor society…the main one IMO. Not aware of the Phi Kappa Pi.</p>

<p>Oh, good, Mike! Imagine that, an engineering honor society with pretty girls, too! My son would be an idiot not to join!</p>

<p>Does anyone have any updated info on Tau Beta Pi on the UA campus? The website/page (when I google) hasn’t been updated since 2004…and I can’t find any info under the collection of honor societies (UA webpages). Is there an active chapter on UA campus? </p>

<p>Tay beta is active. Son gets regular emails from them He gets a regular magazine. Got a certificate and charm and a ribbon necklace with the metal symbol the kids have to polish. A prof that just interviewed my son for grad school actually had it listed on his resume that he was a member. I don’t know if they wear anything at graduation. Maybe someone else can chime in on that</p>