Phi Sigma Pi

<p>Son just got an email about Phi Sigma Pi. Anyone know about this one?</p>

<p>To me, it seemed like one of the many honors societies out there that sends invites to kids with good grades.</p>

<p>We’ve limited out kids to:</p>

<p>Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Kappa Phi
Tau Beta Pi - engineering honors
Pi Mu Epsilon - math honors
Mortar Board</p>

<p>And, maybe one other that I’m not remembering.</p>

<p>m2ck - since these are not applicable until their “junior” year I’m wondering if they need to even to bother with any earlier invitations. I’m interested in hearing if anyone’s benefitted from these memberships, such as networking opportunities.</p>

<p>I would be interested in knowing as well. I really don’t think so.</p>

<p>oops…in my earlier post, I meant to write…“limited **our **kids”</p>

<p>Some of the honor societies do offer information about internships and scholarships, so take a look at their national pages to see what is available before making a decision.</p>

<p>DD just got an email. </p>

<p>Any details/ experience with Phi Sigma Pi at BAMA?</p>

<p>I think my son did join this one, because his father and his grandfather had been in it and said it was a reputable one. I think he paid a one time fee and got a certificate, had an induction, but don’t think he’s ever gone to any of the meetings. Seem to be a lot of girls in these honor societies, and we had often hoped son would go to meetings and meet a smart, nice girl, but alas, the opportunity has passed him by.</p>

<p>There are still lots of smart, nice girls out there ;-)</p>

<p>^^^Ha, ha, yes, I know. With grad school thousands of miles away on the horizon, I am actually hoping the love bug won’t bite this semester!</p>

<p>Our DS got an invite as well, wondering if it’s worth him joining</p>