<p>my interview is this weekend and im sooo nervous.
what kind of questions are they going to ask?
and how should i dress? >.<</p>
<p>dress: formally. by formal, i mean blouse, pencil skirt (below the knees) or ironed slacks… um, well, just don’t wear a hoodie and sweats. :P</p>
<p>common questions:
why do you want to attend phillips ?
how would you contribute to phillips ?
what did you do this summer ?
what makes you, as an applicant, stand out ?
what’s your favorite subject?
what activities do you do outside of school ?</p>
<p>haha. just be yourself… these interviewers have done LOTS of interviews. they can tell if something’s rehearsed or not.</p>
<p>Andover is EXTREMELY nice. If you get Mrs. Mallick, you will love her. She can’t stop laughing, she’s so kind. Her children are sooooo cute.
Make sure you see the library, the theater, the science center, and the athletic centers. All of those are extremely nice.
Try to see the town, too. I got to see kids my age doing Bio homework on a Saturday morning in Starbucks. It was like bird-watching. haha
They’ll ask the typical, why do you want to go? She also asked me how important education is to my family, and seemed impressed that the majority of family are in education fields.
They may ask other random questions that might not seem important, but really think!</p>
<p>My daughter wore an age-appropriate mini skirt, boots, and a sweater and got in, so I’d say just neatly dressed, but so that you feel comfortable, whether it’s skirt or slacks!</p>
<p>what if you dont do anything interesting during the summer?</p>
<p>like during the summer, i lounge around with friends and have all-nighters where we hang out and have fun. hmm, yep that’s about it</p>
<p>… well then, good luck to you!</p>
<p>haha jk jk. but seriously… </p>
<p>making things up is … well, pretty sad, but so is saying “i lounged around with my friends and lost a couple IQ points”. you’ll think of something. did you go to summer school? you can talk about stuff you earned. HAHA. okay, that’ll be one heck of a dull interview.</p>
<p>no, i didnt go to summer school.</p>
<p>all i do is hang out with friends, shop, txt, aim, watch tv, and read. that’s about it</p>
<p>I went to Alaska, and like all of my interviewers were like “Hey, I’ve been there too!” It was a nice way to start a conversation.</p>
<p>omg!! I got Ms. Mallick, and yes, she couldn’t stop laughing!! She put me completely at ease, and I loved her, although my mom thought she was a bit too relaxed…</p>
<p>oh just forgot what i did this last summer. me and my father went to a one month vacation to miami beach, that was sooo boring</p>
<p>Wasn’t she great?? I told her I was a very quick person for thank you notes, and I literally sent her a thank you email 15 minutes after the interview at the computer in the admissions office while waiting for the volleyball coach. It was so hysterical, her email back was so kind! :)</p>
<p>I had an interview about 3 weeks also in Phillips Andover…
WHat should i wear like you know… proper for the interview because this is my first time ever!! HELP >>> and oh also what kind of question will they ask?</p>
<p>dont stress about interviews too much. I give tours at my school and all the kids going for their interviews look so nervous. Calm down, it is only a part of the application process. Ive talked to my friends and some of them say they interviewed in jeans and t-shirts and still got in. It doesnt matter what you wear the interview is more or less who you are. Personality matters more than what you wear, just be super friendly and super nice, and do not be afraid to be yourself admissions officers love kids who are different and open. For the interviews, most boys dress in khakis with a nice shirt and tie, and girls most wear skirts or dress pants. but remember even if you look really nice but dont have any personality, then you probably wont stand out.</p>
<p>I have to agree with wahala. It’s not so much what you wear as how you carry yourself.</p>
<p>THank you… that’s really helped me to calm down… ^_^</p>
<p>well i have an interview well maybe…not confirmed yet and its via skpye…so does the dress code really matter?</p>
<p>sushmitak - Yes, you should dress nicely, if you can - the same as if you were interviewing in person. Best of luck!</p>
<p>thank!!!well im so nervous and i would appreciate some tips for the interview and is there something i should keep in mind no matter what apart from just being myself(because thtats what im being told is most important)</p>
<p>when they offer you something to drink - accept it. it will allow you to relax and adjust to the office while they are gone. furthermore, taking a sip can be a clutch if you need to think more during an “awkward” silence.</p>
<p>my interview is online!!!so i guess i dont have to worry about that apart but thanks anyways</p>