Philosophy @ Grinnell?

<p>Anyone here know much about philosophy at grinnell? Majoring in it, taken classes...? </p>

<p>great experiences? bad? amazing professors? small program (haha small for grinnell)? Class sizes? type of program (continental or otherwise)? etc! any comments would be appreciated :)</p>

<p>Amazing profs in religion. Don’t know how this translates for you.</p>

<p>Grinnell is a very intellectual and critically thinking orientated school. I think based on its educational ideas and focus it would have an excellent philosophy program.</p>

<p>well, philosophy and religion classes can sometimes spill over into each other. thanks for the quick responses guys :slight_smile:
also, would you say grinnell is very intellectual, etc as compared to other top LAC’s (like top 25, not swat/williams etc)?? davidson and carleton are two other LACs im really interested in - any comparisons there?</p>

<p>If you do a search on this site for Grinnell and (name of other school), you will see lots of threads making comparisons-esp. Grinnell and Carleton which are often compared.</p>

<p>tho grinnell is obviously the best of the three… (:
tho i bet u’re gonna go through all those forums, like i did, and then eventually realize that it just comes down to preference and feel, or maybe u’ve already realized that…</p>

<p>yeah ive recognized that its really just what school you like most, what feel fits your character most. but i can definitely see myself at a few schools. then i got to thinking… i really dont know how some of these schools philosophy programs are haha. i can assume that they are great along with everything else, but you never know i guess :P. also i know some phil curriculums can be kind of heavy on certain ends like continental stuff.</p>

<p>I would say Grinnell is one of the most intellectual LACs along with Swarthmore, Reed and Carleton.</p>

<p>^ And Oberlin.</p>

<p>Feel is critical when you look at the schools mentioned. They are all outstanding educational experiences. I am very familiar with Davidson and D attends Grinnell. These two schools attract very different student populations. Both have very bright, motivated students and outstanding faculty. Davidson, for lack of a better description, attracts a more conservative group of students than schools like Reed, Grinnell or Oberlin. Greek life is a big component of Davidson and a number of southern traditions (such as looking nice for class) prevail. Students that go to Davidson appear very happy with their experience-the administration is responsive, the financial aid good and the campus is beautiful. You should visit these schools while classes are in session before deciding.</p>

<p>oh gosh… my mom (she doesn’t live with me) forgot to send in the Grinnell financial aid stuff on Feb. 1st… so I guess that basically means no grinnell for me</p>

<p>^Deadlines are usually soft. Schools want as many quality applicants as they can reasonably process. Send in the stuff!</p>

<p>TTwhite - call the financial aid office right away and let them know what happened- if you are serious about Grinnell this should not stop you!</p>

<p>I’m getting my mom to get in touch with them to see if they can spare us some time!</p>

<p>You’ll make a better impression if you do it yourself!</p>

<p>yeah u’re better off just doing the form and sending it and then calling right after u send it and explain ureself a bit…</p>

<p>I’m not sure most hs seniors could fill out a financial aid form. I certainly would not have been able. Usually only parents have the necessary info. But a student could call and ask for an extension.</p>