Phone interview w/ senator tomorrow--Help!

<p>I didn't think this senator did an interview at all, now we get a call that there will be a phone interview tomorrow. Any advice on what kinds of questions they will be asking?</p>

<p>Basically they are looking for a confident speaker who can articulate concisely and clearly WHY they want an nomination to the Academy.</p>

<p>Think about WHY you want to go to a military service academy over just a regular college.</p>

<p>What do you want to do as a military officer? Why?</p>

<p>Have you ever visited the Academy? What did you experience/learn about that visit that impressed you?</p>


<p>I can say I have heard these are pretty standard questions. Have you called your BGO to ask about this same question? Our BGO's interview was basically a prep for this anyway.</p>

<p>Go in with confidence, poise...look at the people in the eye - thank them at the end and tell the truth. Don't bs your way through a question. If you're not sure or don't know...simply say so.</p>

<p>God bless you and CONGRATULATIONS on the achievement of being interviewed by your Senator! Many many other young people across the country with apps into their MOC will never get this honor.</p>

<p>Thanks so much, Peskemom! It is kind of a shame, though, to not be able to do the interview in person. A lot depends on how you sound over the phone, in addition to what you say, I guess.
I wonder how long it will be until they decide, after the interview?</p>

<p>Navymom2b - check out a previous thread on this subject. May be helpful too. Good luck to your kid! Try to relax. Don't want a shaky voice on the phone! :) All the nominations are complete by January so you should know something soon. Hang in there!</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>No matter what kind of slimy little communist <strong><em>, twinkle-toed *</em></strong>sucker he or she is, just tell them you plan on voting for them. That'll guarantee you entry. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Forgive me, but I've become a bit jaded against politicians in my old age. Nothing quite like being told you can't get underway because the Navy's budget for fuel got cut to REALLY tick you off for life.</p>

<p>Zaphod, I worked on the Senator's campaign for Governor when I was 18.
I think that was put in a letter of recommendation someone wrote. I hope they saw that!
Anyway, the girl who called was nice, he said, and he feels good about it.
Now we just wait for something in the mail?
We have two more MOC to go. One says they don't do interviews, but I think the other one does. It would be nice to have this over before Christmas.</p>

<p>I always liked in person interviews. I mean, then they get to see you, what you wear, etc. Not just the responses. More to get judged on, but more areas to impress.</p>