Have always been fascinated by what used to be called Indian Pipe, now called Ghost Plant.
A non-photosynthetic vascular plant. Often pops up when it is very humid and very rainy, like the last week or so.
Have always been fascinated by what used to be called Indian Pipe, now called Ghost Plant.
A non-photosynthetic vascular plant. Often pops up when it is very humid and very rainy, like the last week or so.
Beautiful! And nice tiger coloring.
So…my 2021 Thanksgiving Trader Joe waxed amaryllis that bloomed beautifully twice that season and again last year…bloomed once more in June.
And now it’s growing a seed pod! So if I’m lucky, I can grow lots of baby amaryllis for future years (it will take a few years). Great investment!
My friends with the boat yard in Shelter Island compete every week.
Not a great picture, but I just left my house to this Turkey squawking at me. Not unusual to see them in my Boston neighborhood, but not fanned out like this one.
Taken by older S just now. I love that he is still excited by rainbows. And double love that he is happy hosting younger S overnight on his move up north, and helped him buy his first suit.
Life of a cat… so tough and miserable. Has no choice but sleep because dinner is still 3 hours away.
12 year old boys at Cooperstown Dreams Park enthusiastic about America’s pastime.
July of 2005. Son in center in red and black top. Photo courtesy of Dreams Park website.
I was somewhat surprised that my phone could capture Venus and the crescent moon (just after sunset at Mission Bay).