<p>I'm a computer science major and want to add Physics as a double major. My high school did not offer Physics C, so I took Physics B, and I have credit for PHY 302K, 102M, 302L, and 102N. Do these count as PHY 301 and 316 classes? I saw the following on the website for PHY 301:</p>
Designed for students who intend to major in science or mathematics. Only one of the following may be counted without prior approval of the Department: Physics 301, 302K, 303K, 309K, 317K.
<p>And I also saw the following for PHY 316:</p>
Only one of the following may be counted without prior approval of the department: Physics 302L, 303L, 309L, 316, 317L.
<p>I was wondering if that means the credit I got for PHY 302K and 302L counts for PHY 301 and 316. I really do want to double major in Physics, but credit for those courses is very important so I can complete the degree in four years. I'm having confusion in interpreting if it means that those courses count for PHY 301 and 316 interchangeably. It would be great for my double major if I could bypass those first 2 semester courses. Especially because I do know the concepts very well and I do know the calculus and how to apply the math skills to the physics. I think it would be repetitive if I had to relearn what I already know. If it does work, I'll be ecstatic and fill out my double major paperwork immediately!</p>
<p>Thank you for your help!</p>