Physical Education Courses

<p>DS is coming into UA with some AP credits and is trying to keep his 1st semester light. He is an ECE major. He is looking for a couple of classes that will bring him up to full-time status. His original plan was to take ROTC but now has decided he doesn’t want to do that. Does anyone have experience with any of the Physical Education classes like golf or soccer? I thought horseback riding and beginning scuba diving looked interesting, but could not find them on the schedule for fall. </p>

<p>My kids have taken classes such as jogging, physical conditioning, and something else. What did you want to know?</p>

<p>The university no longer offers scuba classes.</p>

<p>Thank you for the replies. M2CK, I wanted to know if anyone had specific experience with golf or soccer and what the time commitment was, etc. I think I read somewhere in one of the forums that the pe classes were very strict on attendance. He is really looking for a “filler” course. Something to keep him safely up to full time in case he needs to drop a class. I really don’t foresee a problem with his academics, but I also know from reading the forums that some kids have struggled with the new ENGR 103 course. I’ve told him that if he is off to a rocky start due to work load, grades, professor, etc. that he should just drop it and pick it up the next semester. </p>

<p>Under what designation are the pe courses posted? I’ve never noticed them.</p>

<p>They are under Kinesiology (KIN). I had to take two pe courses back in the 80’s when I completed my education degree. That is what made me think of it ( I took racquetball and swimming). </p>

<p>My D took racquetball her first semester freshman year and she enjoyed it. I don’t think it was a huge time commitment (very little work outside of class), although class was more hours than the number of credit hours. I’m pretty sure CrimsonMomNC’s son took golf. My D wanted to, but the times never worked out. You should be aware that golf is not on campus, nor is it within walking distance, so I assume your student would need a car to get there. </p>

<p>IME the PE classes have been strict about attendance.</p>

<p>Cant help with the Golf or Soccer but I can second the racquetball. DS took it last year and truly enjoyed it, he and some of the other students still play on a regular basis.</p>