<p>My D is a HS Soph and begining to think about college and her future career. She is interested in PA, so we began to look at schools that offer it and the procedures for becoming one. Unlike med school, there is huge variation in the programs. There are certificate, BS and MS degrees that all lead to PA certification. D definitely wants the whole college experience, so the certificate, which I believe is geared towards someone who has extensive EMT/Paramedic/RN/LPN type experience, is out. There are a few colleges that offer a BS degree in PA. Most are MS programs lasting between 1-2 years after the BS degree, or a 3-2 where the BS is awarded after the first year of the professional phase and the MS upon graduation. </p>
<p>How competitive is admissions to these programs? Some of the various schools sites list acceptance rates as low as 10%. Some require the GRE, some nothing, some I think even MCAT. There is such a wide variety, can someone tell me what a typical accepted candidate is going to look like statistically? Is the acceptance rate low because people who think they have no chance of going to Med School apply here instead due to the lesser requirements for admission? Is it that there are just too few programs in existence to supply the demand? D is a very strong student and very dedicated, but I dont want her pursuing an option that has very limited options for success unless she is fully aware up front. </p>
<p>Are there schools where the student can be accepted into the PA major upon admission and be guaranteed a spot if they maintain a specific GPA and meet prerquisites? Any help woudl be appreciated.</p>