Physician in Tuscaloosa

<p>Is it recommended to have your student find a physician in Tuscaloosa, or is the Student Health Center where most go?</p>

<p>We have chosen for D to keep her PCM at home and use Student Health for Urgent Care.</p>

<p>Just a couple of questions. Is the SHC far away from the north campus dorms? If kiddo gets really sick, is there a ride program to get them there?</p>

<p>txbamamom check with your insurance company with regards to coverage at school. We have Cigna HMO and the closest Doc on our network was 60 miles away in b-ham!! If I did not change anything, my son would not be able to use SHC for anything and he would have to go to the hospital (and possibly some Doc in a Box places) for urgent care since he was outside of our normal coverage area. </p>

<p>Working with my HR department they are setting up a “guest” network for him using the SHC as his PCP</p>

<p>Thank you, Twomutts, I had not thought about checking to see if the SHC was “in network” I looked the insurance co doc find and the physicians at the SHC are listed, whew.</p>

<p>Just a suggestion from someone whose child has needed to be seen urgently when the SHC is closed such as game days, but did not require an ER visit…take a few minutes to locate one of the urgent care centers around town in Tuscaloosa or Northport before your student needs one. There is a great one near Lowe’s in Tuscaloosa. My student has seen the same physician, Dr. Noah Lott, on several occasions as have other members of the family over several years. They accept most insurance plans or offer a set fee for services rendered, but you cannot do both. The name of the facility is Med Center South, but there are others in the area of 15th Street and Veteran’s Parkway.</p>