Physics 105 or (honors) 125

<p>Son asked me to “ask my friends” on CC to see what the recommendation was for physics 105–take the honors version, or not? </p>

<p>Also, if you have any preferred physics teachers, or teachers to avoid (that’s as helpful) he’d appreciate that very much.</p>

<p>I did search for old threads on this and cannot find anything! Thanks.</p>

<p>I can ask my DD about teachers; she took the honors version last spring and did well. </p>

<p>Not an engineering/science major, and she felt her high school teacher had not done a good job preparing her for college physics, and it was at 9am MWF (which was apparently a problem with her social life!) but DD still felt the honors class was nicer given the smaller size and the pace involved.</p>

<p>Isn’t it hard to believe they need to start planning spring semester?!</p>

<p>Good to know. Thanks for the info. Yes, hard to believe Spring semester is already in the works!</p>

<p>DD AP’ed out of Physics 105 and 106 (with 5’s) but decided to retake as Honors 125 and 126 for a refresher (she is an EE major - Physics and Calc are important foundation courses). </p>

<p>She took 125 this semester and really likes the course and Professor Harrell. He gets into theory more, which she loves. She is doing very well in the class to date, so I don’t think the material is more difficult overall. The smaller class size is a definite plus for her.</p>

<p>My S had Dr. Harrell for 125 and Tim Mewes for 126. He thought both profs were very good and enjoyed both classes. He had friends in 105 and 106 and felt like they spent more time going over some of the calculus and other basic principles than they did in the Honors section. </p>

<p>S received an A+ in both 125 and 126.</p>

<p>if your student is top notch, i would most always recommend taking the honors version of a class. better teachers, smaller classes.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses. All very helpful. This Spring, LeClair will teach Physics 125. He seemed to have good reviews on ratemyprofessor.</p>