Physics 106 vs Physics 126

Anyone have advice on taking the Physics 126 (honors) vs Physics 106. There is only one section of PH 126 in the Fall taught by Dawn Renee Williams. DS was told he might prefer PH126 but is not sure. Thanks!

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DS took Honors 125 and enjoyed it. He is debating between Honors VS Non Honors for fall. Be aware the section this year will have Honors and Non Honors in class together. We were a little confused by the schedule as Williams was listed as teaching both at the same time. DS emailed Dr LeClair (his 125 prof) who explained that Williams would teach the lecture portion together, but the lab portion separate.

^ that’s an interesting development to combine the two classes. I’m wondering if there just aren’t enough students to separate because many honors students have incoming AP credits and opt out of the class? Just goes to show that perhaps there is little difference (other than class size) between the two.

I know! Right now there are 30 (lecture and lab) seats listed for non honors section and 24 for honors. His other choice (Mewes) has 150 seats for lecture (50 for lab). LeClair said there would be extra work assigned in the lab portion of the Honors section. DS is thinking maybe take advantage of the smaller Non honors section and skip the extra work of the Honors this time. Mewes has really good ratings though. I guess we will see what is available when he finally gets to register!

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@BamaMom18‌ I chose to take 126 because Mewes is a great professor. I’ve seen her present at the math club about her MINT research and she seems like a helpful advisor for someone interested in physics.

DS loves physics and took PH 126; if I recall correctly the honors class met on Fridays in addition to the non-honors portion of the class meeting on Mondays & Wednesdays.

Family of Five: “DS took Honors 125 and enjoyed it. He is debating between Honors VS Non Honors for fall. Be aware the section this year will have Honors and Non Honors in class together. We were a little confused by the schedule as Williams was listed as teaching both at the same time. DS emailed Dr LeClair (his 125 prof) who explained that Williams would teach the lecture portion together, but the lab portion separate.”

Are you referring to 126? or 125? i.e. the fact that this fall Honors and Non-Honors will be in the lecture together – but that the Honors lab will be separate/different.


PH 126. He had 125 this past fall as a freshman. He enjoyed it and it was a good experience. He has taken a few Honors classes now so he is debating about just going 106 for fall. Especially if he can benefit from the smaller class size in the Williams section. His spring semester has been really heavy (work load wise) and he is getting a little burned out :smile:

Thanks! My son is also debating which 106 or 126 section / instructor to take in the fall… I appreciate this info!

I am a little confused. Do you think it is better to take the Honors Physics 126 with Williams or the Non Honors 106 with Mewes?

@BamaMom18‌ Sorry to confuse you! I meant 106 with Mewes. Although I’m sure both will be great classes, I personally decided to go with the non-honors version because for me getting to learn from Mewes is more important than the honors credit.

Thank you!