<p>so what do we mostly do in physics lab? Does it go the entire scheduled time or ends early?</p>
<p>you get out whenever you finish. usually that's before the time it's supposed to end, or at least it was when i took 4AL.</p>
<p>It's a joke. There is no pre-lab or written lab report; all your experiments are done during lab, and while the instructions can be confusing, its relatively straightforward. My TA was really lax, so we were usually out within an hour.</p>
<p>after finishing the physics 6 series, i can't say i've learned anything in the lab sections. It was all about just doing the work and getting out asap</p>
<p>6 series labs (and the 6 series in general) are SUCH a joke. if you read the stuff ahead of time and actually come prepared, you'll finish in like 45 minutes. i never did this, and i had to stay almost the whole time.</p>
<p>also, some TA's give you full credit for just showing up. for 6B, we actually had to do stuff (called mils) but everything you do is in-class (absolutely no lab reports-pre or post-and no homework either)</p>
<p>also there are two different final exam dates for lecture 1 and lecture 2 for Miao. Shouldn't they be on the same day? One lecture is on the 9th and the other is the 12th. The physics lab final exam date, however, says its the 12th. Is this an error?I dont want to have to take the chem 14CL final on the same day as physics. thanks.</p>
<p>6 series physics labs have NO final exam</p>