<p>I'm trying to decide what to take this summer. I'm really not a physics person, so I wanted to just get the 8-series over with by taking 8B this summer. However, I also heard that MCB 102 during the summer is better than during the semester. Anyone with experience have any take on this?</p>
<p>im also wondering this…</p>
<p>Physics 8B</p>
<p>it’s always easy to do it during summer!!!</p>
<p>if u do physics!! u should have enough time to take another easy 2 units course too</p>
<p>cant you say the same for mcb 102 also? I heard it’s open book tests during the summer.</p>
<p>yea, take biochem over summer, it is easier during summer</p>
<p>Okay, so it sounds like both physics and biochem are both easy during the summer. But if you had to compare, which one is easier?</p>
<p>I don’t think there is any track record for 8B is being easy over the summer.</p>
<p>102 is known for being easier in the summer</p>
<p>If Thorner teaches MCB 102 in the fall, then take it in the summer.</p>
<p>How am I supposed to know whether Thorner is going to teach in the fall? I would like to sign up for classes soon so that I can secure a spot in the class.</p>
<p>within a month, the fall schedule will be up, sign up for both Physics 8B and MCB 102 and drop one accordingly</p>
<p>if thorner is teaching in the fall, then take 102 over summer. otherwise take physics 8b, especially if terry buehler is teaching. he’s a great lecturer.</p>
<p>For those that have already taken the class with Thorner, is there a particular reason why we should avoid him? His ratemyprofessors rating seem pretty mixed and a few people stated that his exams did not fairly assess students’ knowledge. Did you feel that this was the case? </p>
<p>The summer professor Bowman has high ratings but I’m hesitant about learning over a thousand pages of textbook material in just 8 weeks…</p>
<p>Summer MCB 102 has open book tests.</p>
<p>how about doing both? 8a and 102</p>