Physics and Calc

<p>Hey all, so here is my story.</p>

<p>Junior year I took Calc BC and got a 5, which means I can theoretically place straight into 18.02. But the thing is, I haven't used Calc BC extensively at all this year (taking AP stat, even though I am reviewing for the IB HL test) so I was thinking retaking 18.01 wouldn't be a bad thing.</p>

<p>This year, however, I am in a physics B course and am self-studying for Physics C and feel relatively confident I can get a 5 on both tests, meaning I could place straight into 8.02 (I have been watching 8.02 lectures on OCW and have followed them relatively well thusfar). Looking at the course catalog, however, it seems that 18.01 or some variant is a pre-requisite. So this means I cant take 8.02 and 18.01(x) at the same time?</p>

<p>What is your advice on this matter?

<p>You could also look at 18.01A, which reviews single-variable calc for 6 weeks before going into multivariable. That’s a popular option for people who have taken calc but don’t feel comfortable going straight to 18.02. And, of course, if you take 18.01A and decide you’re not comfortable with it, you have about a month (until Add Date) to switch to 18.01.</p>

<p>As for the 8.02 situation, prereqs are often only very loosely enforced at MIT, but they’re probably enforced a little more strictly for freshman classes than for other classes. My advice would be to take 8.02 concurrently with 18.01 or 18.01A if you’re comfortable with your ability to do 18.01-level math, but you may or may not be able to get away with that, depending on your freshman advisor.</p>

<p>Thanks Mollie (btw love your blogs! I’ve been reading the archives)</p>

<p>I’m considering doing 18.01A, not quite sure what I want to do quite yet. Still have time to figure it all out I suppose. </p>

<p>Good to know about the pre-reqs situation at MIT. I am pretty confident I could go straight into 8.02 and do fine (this is basically my second year of mechanics, just sans calculus. The theory is more or less the same idea). I will discuss it with my frosh advisor when the time comes.</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch!</p>

<p>8.02 is actually E&M - 8.01 is mechanics.</p>

<p>Did I ever say anything to the contrary? If you were confused by my OCW comment, I am watching both 8.01 and 8.02 and can already understand 8.02 pretty well, and am breezing through 8.01 more or less.</p>

<p>Sorry for confusion, I tend to type too quickly on forums :D</p>

<p>So I tried to take 8.02 and 18.01 at the same time, because I didn’t even realize the requirements. I talked to the professor about it and he said he was willing to let me do it but that the department generally “frowned upon it” because people who do that usually fail. I switched from 8.02 to 7.012 and took 8.02 the next semester. That worked out fine, but honestly, in retrospect? I would have been fine in 8.02- and I didn’t even talk AP Calc BC. (Just AB, and got a 3 on the exam.)</p>

<p>In other words, I wouldn’t worry too much about the requirements being enforced. Mollie is right that they’re often stricter with freshmen but you never know until you talk to the professor. And another option is just changing your schedule around a little bit, take 8.02 in a later semester. (Not sure what your intended major is, I suppose that might mess you up a bit if you wanted to be course 8 or something.)</p>

<p>Also, I generally advise people to take as much advance credit as they can and run with it, but it all depends on what you’re comfortable with.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info Laura!</p>

<p>Ya I was hoping that I could take 16.000 (I am a course 16 guy) instead of 8.02 second semester. I also just don’t want to take mechanics again, I feel like I have done it twice already and a third time I might just scream, granted MIT mechanics is I am sure 48902344x more intense/interesting than AP. </p>

<p>One last question. How hard is it to deal with the HASS requirement? Do most people take 1 Hass per semester?</p>



Not very. There is a potential upheaval of HASS classes (and GIRs in general) in the works, though; it is expected to affect those in the Class of 2014 and beyond. Those changes are intended to make the (IMO) already-not-confusing HASS requirement even more straight-forward.</p>


Yes, that’s what they intended for students to do when they assigned 8 HASSes to go with the 8 semesters.</p>


This doesn’t really have to do with whether or not you want to take 8.02 again, but 16.00 is only a 9-unit class, and the credit limit in the spring is 57 units, so you can take 3 science classes, a HASS, and 16.00 in the spring, no problem. 16.00 isn’t particularly time-consuming, either.</p>

<p>Oh cool! Thanks for the info mollie. Although like I said, i’d also not repeat mechanics, but that does make things simpler!</p>


<p>It was because you commented that you had already had 2 years of mechanics and would therfore be fine. I assumed that you thought that 8.02 was also mechanics, and therefore your two years of prior learnings would be helpful, when this is incorrect. Sorry, I just wanted to confirm that you had all of the information before making a decision. My bad.</p>

<p>No problem k4r3n2! Thanks for looking out for me!</p>

<p>Why don’t you the 18.012/18.022 sequence? There’s not rush in finishing college. THe advantage of skipping relatively few semesters of physics/calc is marginal and the danger is great.</p>

<p>What I was thinking I might do is the following. I want to take Biology first semester because I’ve heard rants and raves about Prof Landers and his amazing bio class, but also want to take chem first semester as people’s reaction to chem in second semester is basically asdasf9adfa!!!</p>

<p>So I am thinking the following
Some Humanities
PE Course?</p>

<p>Then second semester I can do:</p>

<p>Either 18.02 or 18.03 depending if I do 18.01A or not first
8.02(possibly 8.022 if I am masochistic)

<p>Reasonable? Thoughts? Am I crazy? Should I stop thinking about this right now considering its January? :D</p>

<p>That’s totally reasonable.</p>

<p>You could consider taking a PE class or two over IAP – some people don’t have a problem fitting a PE class into their term time schedule, but I always found it a huge pain.</p>

<p>My husband says that if you want to take another class second semester (because 16.00 is only 9 units and doesn’t take much time), you could consider taking another HASS to clear up time in your schedule later on, since you can’t take any other course 16 classes that semester.</p>

<p>Great! I think thats what I might do, assuming I get the 5s on the Physics AP (which I am studying up for!)</p>

<p>Thanks so much for your/Adam’s help Mollie!</p>

<p>“Rants” are bad things, so I doubt you’ve heard one about Lander. (I’ve only heard one myself.)</p>

<p>Rant isn’t inherently bad…</p>

<p>From MW</p>

<p>Rant: to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner</p>

<p>But thats just semantics :D</p>

<p>Also, you don’t necessarily have to take 7.012 freshman year…unless you’re planning on being Course 7, I guess. Plenty of people take chem first semester freshmen year, and hold off on bio until sophomore year to get the Lander Experience. (Yeah, he’s that cool. Seriously.)</p>

<p>Note: Lander was recently appointed to Obama’s science commission or something like that, so he may not be teaching next year. :frowning: (I have no hard facts on that; he may be teaching after all. But don’t be surprised if he’s not.)</p>

<p>I’m in that group electing to take bio sophomore fall. A lot of my friends are doing the same.</p>