Physics at CTY or a local community college?

<p>I have been to CTY before and I really loved the experience. I now have a dilemna - about whether to take Fast-Paced Physics at CTY or to take an introductory physics class at a local community college. I wish to take AP Physics C in my high school after the summer is over and I want to be adequately prepared. </p>

<p>Problems with both: </p>

<p>The local community college is definitely not as fun, more time-consuming (longer time frame & commuting every day), and is actually not cheap considering there's no board ($1000)</p>

<p>CTY is more expensive ($3500 I believe?), my parents don't love it and are pretty against the notion of me returning (for reasons I cannot fathom)</p>

<p>To any old CTYers who have taken the course, parents of CTYers, or those who took such a course at a local community college: advice on which I should choose; which one would prepare me more to take the AP class in the fall? Thanks!!!</p>