<p>hi,Silvestris. Congrats on joining physics. I am a current student in physics, LAS specialized curriculum in physics to be exact. As you probably already know there are a couple "different" kinds of physics majors, each has different requirement for the number of physics courses. Specialized physics is the most rigorous program since it requires pretty much all the major 300-400 level courses. However, this is what seems like on the paper. In reality, many of my Engineering physics friends take the exact same physics classes as I am taking. If your eventual goal is to get into grad school in the physics field, there are a number of physics classes you have to take no matter what, 325 326,435,436,485,486,427. Even though engineering physics doesn't require the second semesters of a few classes (326,436,487), almost everyone here,who's serious about physics, takes them.
So in short, are there differences between these physics majors? Yes. Are the differences a big deal and do they affect your physics study in any way? No. </p>
<p>If you want to take on an engineering minor, you will do fine with either choices. I can speak from my personal experience. Because of the AP credits I got, I skipped 211 and 212, the intro mechanics and E&M classes, and a lot of other classes, such as chem, and GenEnds out of the way. So by this time, I am pretty done with all the required physics classes (I am a sophomore btw). I have decided to take a lot electrical engineering classes. I have taken one already, and I will take many more in the ECE in the coming two years, more than enough to get a minor in ECE if they actuall offer one. </p>
<p>It seems like you already have a lot of AP credits under your belt. My opinion is that you should have room for another minor in engineering with either LAS physics or engineering physics. </p>
<p>Yes, it is pretty confusing with all the choices in physics. When it comes to undergrad guidance, there are a few resources in the department although I cant say they are the best. The best advices I got are from my professors and other students. </p>
<p>Well, if you have more questions, feel free to shoot me a message or IM me.</p>