Physics at VT

<p>I was accepted to the physics program at VT, and even though it is a great engineering school, I don't know how well it is for sciences, physics specifically. If anyone has any insight that would be great. Chuy's visitor message makes it seem terrible so I'm kind of scared at the moment.</p>

<p>It's better now than it used to be but the professors are still not good. They just aren't good. Poor english skills, poor availability and poor teaching skills in general. I've heard that once you get past the first few classes they get better but good luck with those.</p>

<p>The first two foundations of physics classes have the worst teachers. I would try to get Chang for 2305 and Link for 2306 because they are the best teachers for those classes.</p>

<p>The funny thing is that Chang isn't even a physics professor, and they keep taking classes away from him even though he's the ONLY good professor that teaches any lower level physics at VT. Gah.</p>

<p>completely true lol...i have chang right now and all i do is watch my roommate suffer with the physics teacher he roommate uses all the notes chang sends us via email in order to study....definitely get chang for 2305</p>