Physics C Mech was HARD!!!!

<p>Holy enchiladas! That was a tough test!</p>

<p>I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought so... The FR was INSANE. The multiple choice was okay, but probably trickier than it seems.</p>

<p>How are you done right now?
At our school they're still taking it.</p>

<p>I only took Mech. I decided not to take E&M although I was registered for both. So I was done by 2:30</p>

<p>I thought last year's FR were much harder than this year's... although 2002/2003 had some pretty easy questions.</p>

<p>OMG! THANK YOU SO MUCH. All the past years was FREAKIN PIECE OF PIE compared to this years. WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING.</p>

<p>Okay I'm done ranting. I'm hoping for at least 50% on the FR. </p>

<li>It was OKAY. I think I answered everything but 1 or two sections right.</li>
<li>WOAH. Maybe half of it right.</li>
<li>I'm hoping for more than half for this one, I answered it all but not sure whether it was right or not.</li>

<p>AMEN! I'm praying the College Board comes to its senses and provides an extremly generous curve. The free response questions were WAY harder than the released questions from past exams. I'm hoping for a 50% on the FR too...</p>

<p>The Mech FRQs were the hardest I've ever seen, and ironically, the E&M were the easiest I've seen. Too bad I spent so much more time this weekend on the E&M.</p>

<p>Yeah same here.</p>

<p>i had studied like crazy for mech because i was planning on retaking E&M next year (in college). lo and behold, the mech section was impossible but i probably did pretty well on E&M. I left two of the mech FR questions almost completely blank, i had never even seen problems like that before.</p>

<p>i thought the curve was determined beforehand?</p>

<p>I think for me it was just panic. I'm sure I could have figured something out .. but 45 minutes to figure out something you've never seen before is tough. Wow. I should have taken Mechanics last year -.-</p>

<p>yea... Mech 2 was a killer. I left it completely blank, except for drawing a straight line through the graph... haha, that gives me 1 point for that question.</p>

<p>mech 2 was the planetary one, right?</p>

<p>the m/c was easier than i excpeted, I still did bad though since I know nothing.
FR was really hard, I thought, I left a lot blank.
but at least IT'S OVER!!! I'm so happy I don't have to worry about it until july</p>

<p>Mech 2 was the planetary q... i won't even worry about it even in july. Nobody cares about my grade except my pride. (and maybe my parents if they have to have pay for the class, which won't happen cause I know I at least made a 3)</p>

<p>The topics covered were not that difficult, but they asked the weirdest and most stupid questions ever!! I hated this test! I thought the US physics team semi-final test was easier!</p>

<p>The only I questions I liked were the E&M MC, they were very easy.</p>

<p>i thought mech wasnt that bad. the E&M was the hard one!! i left a part blank in FR, and guessed on so many MC's. Well, lets wait and see in july!</p>

<p>the planet one was beautiful, kepler's law pretty much precipitated out of it, that one i kind of sat and smiled at, the one with the ball with air resistance wasn't so bad, i think maybe 4/5 or so, the rod one was pretty bad after part 2 i thought, e and m were all easy but i hadn't done anything on inductance ever so i derived some of the formulas, i know i got ab and d right. c and e are questionable.</p>

<p>I was actually thinking that afterwards, now I feel a bit mad at myself for not utilizing my resources. Oh well.</p>