<p>Compute the angular velocity (ω) when the arm reaches 45 degrees</p>
<p>equation = ω^2 = ωi^2 + 2α(Δθ)</p>
<p>α = 196.85</p>
<p>what do i use for ωi?</p>
<p>is it simply 2(196.85)(45) ?</p>
<p>Compute the angular velocity (ω) when the arm reaches 45 degrees</p>
<p>equation = ω^2 = ωi^2 + 2α(Δθ)</p>
<p>α = 196.85</p>
<p>what do i use for ωi?</p>
<p>is it simply 2(196.85)(45) ?</p>
<p>The initial angular speed should have been specified, otherwise you can’t solve the problem. Also, don’t forget to use radians, not degrees, for the angle.</p>