Physics HL AND Physics C on the same year?

So far I have taken AP Physics 1 and I am supposed to make a choice between Physics SL and HL. I have already decided to take Physics C. I enjoy physics a lot, but I am not very good at it ( I am willing to put in whatever work possible to study and get good at physics). I asked for my teacher’s advice and he recommended that I take SL since it will " be easier than AP", though I do not understand fully what he meant by that. My question is that if I want to study higher level physics in college should I take HL physics? or is Physics SL combined with C already good enough?

Physics HL and physics C basically cover the same things, and physics SL is pretty much the equivalent of physics 1, which I understand you have already taken. You’d probably be wasting your time taking two, I’d suggest just going with physics C. I’ve heard IB physics is slightly easier though, so you could do HL instead if you want.

If you are in IB you need SL or HL. Many people take physics in college without having taken it in high school, going into college physics with 2 years of physics under your belt should prepare you very well for college physics whether it is AP or IB. Also, listen to your teacher as they probably know which class you will do best in. C is also Calculus based so your math background would need to be very strong to do well.