Physics honors or AP Bio?

I am going to be a sophomore and have the chance to take AP Biology next year. I was originally going to do this, until just recently I realized how much I actually despise Bio. I’m awful at memorization, and none of it really makes much logical sense to me even if I study it for hours. I’ve made all A’s this year in my biology class, but I absolutely loathe it… I’m more of a maths kind of person (taking Calc AB next year :slight_smile: )
My other option would be Physics honors. If I did this, I’d be able to take AP Physics C for junior year (my school doesn’t have AP Physics 1 and only requires honors for C). I am very much interested in doing this, but I’m not quite sure.

This is my projected schedule (minus science):
English 2 Honors
AP Calculus AB
AP World History
Spanish 3 Honors
Comp Sci/Info Tech 1
Orchestra 4

Any opinions would be very much appreciated! I have to make my decision soon. Thank you!!

You already have two APs sophomore year, which is pretty good. If you hate bio, don’t take it. Take Physics Honors. I’m in AP Bio as a sophomore and I love it, but it would be a horrible class if I wasn’t passionate about the subject matter.

Take Physics Honors. Then at the end of next year, you can revisit and decide if you want to take AP Physics C or AP Bio the following year. But as noted above, if you don’t enjoy bio, don’t take AP Bio simply because it’s AP.

Thank you both! I’m going to go with Physics! :slight_smile: