<p>Ok so I'm a freshman at UNC right now, and thinking about majoring in Physics. I already took AP Physics C in high school, but UNC only gives me credit for PHYS 104 and 105 (the non calc based ones), so basically my AP credit does nothing for me. </p>
<p>Anyways, I'm taking the 116 placement test in january. my question was, has anyone else here taken it? what should i expect (material wise)?</p>
<p>I just took 118 this past semester, and one of my friends in the class told me that she had tried placing out of the class taking the test. She had said she didn’t pass the test because of all the stuff it had on sound, waves, and fluids. Other than that, it was just basically kinematics, rotation, gravitation, energy conservation, and momentum conservation.</p>
<p>I hope that helps. And if you don’t pass the test, I would highly recommend taking Dr. Karwowski’s class.</p>
<p>i think you shouldn’t try to place out of the intro courses for your major–i know for a fact PHYS 116 and 117 are REALLY difficult classes (my boyfriend actually has to retake 117 for comp sci because he got a D in it), and you don’t want to just jump in and end up over your head without a strong foundation. these classes will be far different from high school AP physics.</p>