<p>Hi everyone!</p>
<p>I've taken a Honors Physics class this year and I'm going to be taking the Physics SAT on June 1 (less than a week....) I just have a few questions; first, what would you say is the most efficient/effective way to study for this SAT, second, would you say that <a href="http://www.erikthered.com/tutor/facts-and-formulas-3-ref.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://www.erikthered.com/tutor/facts-and-formulas-3-ref.pdf</a> are all the equations you need to know (were there any equations you had to use that weren't on this sheet) and third, (kinda goes back to the first question) how effective is the Barron's book at helping with the SAT? </p>
<p>Thanks :o)</p>
<p>I used Barron’s book and Princeton’s book altogether, and I got a 800 on May 4.
You just need to be familiar with some BASIC formulas and facts. In fact, barron is more difficult than actual test.</p>
<p>Thanks! Also, is there anything I should really know/tips/hints? :o</p>
<p>All you need to know is just in these books. You just need to be CAREFUl. And to be honest, I barely meet questions about contemporary physics and waves. But there were about 60 questions about mechanism, electricity and magnetism. So you should focus on those chapters related to these field, and you may need to practice filling the answer sheet. I used about 10mins so I omitted some really easy questions…TAT</p>
<p>Jasper, did you use the AP books or the SAT 2 books?</p>
<p>SAT2. Ap physics require you to learn calculus first.</p>