
<p>I was just wondering if its possible to take piano lessons at Columbia without being a music major or concentrating in music... ? I really just want to continue my training on an extra-curricular basis.</p>

<p>yes, you can take them through the Music department (though majors get first choice of timeslots), or through the music dept of Teachers’ College (which actually gets you credit too). I did the latter for senior year.</p>

<p>you can also always consider the Columbia Juilliard exchange program! at any time in your four years of college you can audition for the program, as if you were audition for Juilliard, and then begin private lessons there…I was a bit late in turning in forms, but I’m interested…</p>

<p>I was always wondering if there is anything Columbia students can do with Manhattan School of Music…it’s only a walk down Broadway Avenue from Columbia…and yet MSM only offers an exchange program with Barnard…</p>