pick-up games on the fields?

<p>Im looking at the VT website. It sounds like there are tons of recreational playing fields. The site says "the fields are not available for open recreation" because of so many programs.
Does that mean spur the moment pick up games are not allowed? Are there places where students can play soccer or ultimate frisbee without being part of a league or club? Though I'm intending to participate in IM, there are other times, I'm sure, I'm going to want to just play a pick up game.</p>

<p>The Rec Sports field are located a little bit off campus (still walking distance) and usually aren’t available for people to do pick up games. There is, however, the drill field in the middle of campus which more or less exists to give people a place to play pick up games. They don’t usually have marked off fields but if you bring a couple cones you can set your own up and people will generally stay off of it. </p>

<p>Here’s one pic to show scale. I’m going to upload a bunch of pictures from around campus in a little bit that might show it better. You could easily fit several full football fields on it. It’s the giant field in the middle.

<a href=“http://i28.■■■■■■■.com/jaf8s7.jpg[/IMG]”>http://i28.■■■■■■■.com/jaf8s7.jpg


<p>Here’s a couple more pictures.</p>

<p><a href=“http://i807.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/yy359/aroundVT/100_0629.jpg?t=1249872538[/url]”>http://i807.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/yy359/aroundVT/100_0629.jpg?t=1249872538&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“http://i807.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/yy359/aroundVT/100_0630.jpg?t=1249872539[/url]”>http://i807.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/yy359/aroundVT/100_0630.jpg?t=1249872539&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>That whole area is almost always open for people to play pickup games on, lay out in the sun, picnic or do whatever they want. Sometimes there are people that set up booths for stuff around the sidewalks but there’s still room to play stuff.</p>

<p>thanks for your help, Chuy</p>