
<p>Anyone else use it? I think it's a pretty good tool since it gives you a professor grade history.</p>

<p>It's amazing, in a class that I got over 100% in, only 14% of the class got A's in it.</p>

<p>My first semester schedule had an average GPA of 2.77, but with the semesters having an average 4.09 out of 5 rating.</p>

<p>My schedule for next semester has a 3.15 average GPA, with semesters having an average of 4.50 out of 5 rating. Next semester should be easy given that.</p>

<p>Anyone have experience with this site in the past? I used ratemyprofessors.com to help develop my schedule for spring semester, and the teacher's ratings on pickaprof.com reenforce it.</p>

<p>Anyone use this site before?</p>

<p>I used it through undergrad. Everyone at my school used it. Lots of people on this site use it. I don’t take teacher rating sites too seriously, but they are useful to get a general idea.</p>

<p>I’ve used it. The more tools the better, but I do not rely on them for an expected grade. Reviews from the Internet can only help a certain amount. I still work for the grade I want. The Internet and peers just help to give me a glimpse of what I may encounter.</p>

<p>There is also the argument that lots of A’s means a passive instructor. In my experience, this is not entirely true. There is still work to be done to earn an A despite online statistics.</p>

<p>I used it until some students created a free version of it for my university. It’s great.</p>

<p>Pretty meaningless. Take a course in research methods and figure out what response bias means…</p>

<p>Seriously, it’s not representative data at all.</p>

<p>"Pretty meaningless. Take a course in research methods and figure out what response bias means…</p>

<p>Seriously, it’s not representative data at all."</p>

<p>The grade distributions are, since they are taken from the official university records. The professor reviews are just gravy.</p>

<p>pick-a-prof is pretty fabulous. there’s a basic requirement course for my major & i was trying to decide whether to take it this semester at 8 a.m. or 11 a.m. (it’s three hours long, two days a week, plus an hour-long recitation one afternoon a week). i compared the professors on pick-a-prof and found that the 8 a.m. prof had like 25 straight 5-star reviews. i decided to take her class based on all that feedback and she’s been my favorite teacher so far at my school–she somehow made a class interesting at 8 in the morning! if i hadn’t read the web site, i probably would have chosen the 11’o’clock class so i could have slept in, but i would have missed out.</p>

<p>Pickaprof didn’t have any profs from my son’s school, so he used Ratemyprof. He ended up with a really lop-sided schedule, one class on Tues/Thurs and five on Wed, but is expecting a 4.0. Using those sites is def. worth it.</p>

<p>i don’t know… those sites just makes me want to stay away from certain profs.</p>

<p>Ratemyprofessor is so much better/more used than pickaprof.com…</p>

<p>Ratemyprof < Pickaprof!!!</p>

<p>Pickaprof lets you mess around with your schedule and allows you two write about professors in sooo much more detail. I LOVE pickaprof! I always refer to it before choosing my schedule. Ratemyprof is good for just a quick idea.</p>

<p>I use pickaprof and love it, helps a lot, but I mostly just read the reviews and disregard the grade/drop information.</p>

<p>how do u find the grade distributions on there??do the professors have to be rated to see them or something?</p>

<p>This is a question I really wish someone would answer.
How can you find grade distributions for classes?</p>

<p>type in either the teacher’s name or the class (Ex: ECON1300) and it will bring up either the teacher or all teachers that have that class if you searched by class. You should see the grade distribution on a bar graph right there after you have found the class/teacher you want. </p>

<p>Sometimes if the teacher is new, and there is not any available information, everything will be blank. Let me know if you have other questions.</p>