PICkED A fight because I said you wont get in... I AM SORRY.

<p>Got bored.</p>

<p>Didnt mean to offend anyone.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Hope you all get in.</p>

<p>You weren’t picking a fight, you were just stating the truth that the acceptance rate is really low.</p>

<p>Anyway, no offense taken of course.</p>

<p>Yeah I hope no one got offended by you, everyone’s on tenterhooks right now and you should never take anyone on the internet seriously lol…but hey, you still weren’t nearly as bad as Columbia2002 normally is =D</p>

<p>haha good old Columbia2002. i know this is totally offtopic, but i’m really curious if C2002 is a girl or a boy XD</p>

<p>from what i have gathered over the past three years (wow i’ve been on this board for a LONG time) C02 is definitely a dude. However I was thinking about this yesterday while reading the ridiculousness of the undershirt thread…I don’t really know who he is. For instance i know denzera personally and am fb friends with or have run into a few of the current students on this board on campus but i know absolutely nothing about C02 except that he graduated in 2002 from SEAS and what his major was! I mean i’m all for anonymity but geez throw us a bone! It is true that he graduated columbia before any of the rest of us got there but still…its strange. </p>

<p>…how obvious is it that i’m trying to find any reason to procrastinate</p>

<p>“…how obvious is it that i’m trying to find any reason to procrastinate”</p>

<p>It’s ok, economic slowdowns do that to you. :D</p>

<p>Ya I’m thinking CO2 is a guy. I’d personally love to meet many people on this board. If we get accepted we have to somehow meet up at orientation.</p>

<p>Ahaha—hold up a sign at orientation:</p>

<p>“Avid College Confidential forum posters, congregate here.”</p>

<p>^ lolz.</p>

<p>Actually Columbia would be an ideal spot for a national CC users meeting/event. I mean it’s in NYC and it’s an Ivy league. That would be so tight.</p>



<p>when you’re a grad student its like being in a permanent economic slowdown</p>

<p>yeah, its kinda weird meeting people from this forum in person, especially if its in the first few weeks of freshman year. if thats the case, you’re probably both going to try and act all hard and sh1t, but really youll just stare at each other in utter amazement that you have seen someone else who wasted as much time worrying about admissions as you did. this happened to me four times, and i now live in a suite with two of those kids. we’re total tools.</p>

<p>It’s funny how those things happen. I live on a floor with one of those kids and I lived across from r3v last year. Matt Damon.</p>

<p>^Karot is just a slut, she’s everywhere and she’s obsessed with anyone on this forum, she’s probably hunting you down as we speak. Although you’ll probably sense it if she gets close, she has trouble managing her body odor.</p>

<p>karot sounds sexyyyyyyyyyyyyy</p>



<p>now, now…play nice children</p>

<p>…btw i could’v sworn karot was a dude…actually i tend to think every current student on this board is a dude for some reason</p>

<p>why r there current students on the board?
i mean…arent there better ways to procrastinate once ur in college? at least i hope there are…im starting to get bored of the same tv reruns and youtube and message boards…id like to think there are so many more ways to procrastinate that i have yet to discover…i mean im only a senior in high school! this cant be the end!!!
haha =)</p>

<p>“why r there current students on the board?”</p>

<p>Because we actually know a thing or two more about columbia having done more than the tour there–wouldn’t you prefer honesty and firsthand experience over hearsay posted by HS students?</p>

<p>BTW–Karot IS a dude, confidentialcoll was all set to ask her out but realised his mistake.</p>

<p>^Karot is pretty girly, </p>

<p>“confidentialcoll was all set to ask her out but realised his mistake.”</p>

<p>hey, maybe I still might ;)</p>



<p>Even if I did smell bad, the stench would be because I live next to you and your dirtiness clings to everything in the suite.</p>





Consent is sexy</p>


It’s reading week. We’re burn-out and want to jack some of the happy eager vibes coming from the ED people.</p>

<p>Basically, confidentialcoll is the biggest beeotch in the world. Some choice quotes:</p>

<p>“I’m tired”
“That’s too far to walk”
“No come on, let me have a bite of that”
“I’ll pay you for it”
“Am I fat?”
“We hugged each other to sleep”
“If you touch me, I’m telling my mommy”
“Dude, I got hit on by TWO gay guys!”
“Whooaaaa, he’s a hottie!”
“Come on, let’s get ****-faced”
“I need to use your computer”
“I don’t see anything wrong with sticking a fish up your butt.”
“I’m hungry”
“I know she likes me, I know it.”
“Does this smell good on me?”
“Does this shirt make me look fat?”
“Hey, let me borrow your mini-skirt”</p>

<p>After putting on said mini-skirt</p>

<p>“Damn, I look HOT!”
“Girl, please”</p>

<p>The entire Flo Rida - Low song at 9 AM in the morning for two weeks straight</p>


but it’s sexier when they CRY!</p>