Picking an art school

Hi everyone!

I’m currently deciding between Parsons (Fashion), Pratt (undeclared), University of Michigan Penny Stamps (no specific major), and CalArts (Fine Art)

I’m more interested in digital arts although unsure of the exact major. I’m pretty sure that I can transfer majors at Parsons since I heard fashion is the hardest one to get into.

Also, I’m considering transferring to a normal university’s art program (i.e. UCLA, USC, NYU) after my first or second year. Is there one school that would be best for transferring later?

Please disregard finanical concerns. All opinions are welcome and thanks in advance!

I can’t help you on the arts front, although congratulations if you have acceptances to all of those programs; I definitely have heard great things about all of them.

That being said, however, why would you choose a school where you’re planning (or even contemplating) transferring from in 1-2 years? It’s one thing to know that you can always transfer if you’re miserable, but it’s another thing to go in with transferring as a plan. Wherever you enroll, you want to be 100% committed to. That commitment will be reflected in your ease in building friendships, establishing relationships with faculty, and your general attitude and joy at being at that institution.

Best of luck as you make this decision!

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Seems odd to go to any school with the intention of transferring. But my thinking given those options that Un Michigan would be your best bet because those are all academically very challenging schools. While Parsons, Pratt and CalArts have great art programs they aren’t known for their academics. They say USC is fairly transfer friendly if you have the grades. But if what you desire is a strong academic GE with a strong art program, University of Michigan seems like an awesome choice for you!

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University of Michigan’s program is more fine arts focused vs. digital. Also, decide if you want a smaller art school vibe or large sports university vibe. U Mich is very expensive out of state whereas private schools will give scholarships for merit making it less expensive to attend! My daughter attends Stamps and she wishes she went the art school route instead to get deeper digital art skills. Good luck with your decision!

Hey can I ask a dumb question? Do “art schools” (ie CalArts and Art Center) require “ordinary” classes like math biology history? Yes I am in the process of reading and studying the websites. But if someone gave me the shorthand here that would be amazing and so very appreciated. Thank you. Bon chance to all of you in your endeavors.

Not a dumb question. It’s college specific. Ringling School of Art and Design changed their name years ago to Ringling College of Art and Design. What they did is add specific courses and requirements to become an accredited college so that credits (at least general ed) could be transferred to another university if needed. They accepted dual credit hours and AP credit (except for an art class).

The courses they offer outside art are “lite”. History might be Art history. Science isn’t going to be chemistry or physics. Math isn’t Calculous–think business math. These are all still geared toward the art field. Art schools are art 24/7 for the most part. If you want another type degree (or think you might) you’d be better off at an university with an art department rather than a dedicated art school.

This is the way Ringling works now. Other schools are still dedicated art schools, won’t offer these classes and for the most part their credit hours will not be transferrable to another college.

Cal Arts credits also transfer to other universities.

Good luck!

Thank you!

really is dependent on the school. Many schools with serious art programs also offer strong liberal arts general ed but also many also do not. Look at the requirements for each school and major and then do your research into the quality of these programs. For many it’s all about the art but got to think about what’s important to you