Picking Schedule with Intention to Drop

<p>I can't pick between a couple of classes for next semester so would it be a bad idea to take both with the intention of dropping one? I am planning on applying to the school of business at my school after this semester so I'm not sure if they would know if I did that or look down upon it if I do it before the drop deadline.</p>

<p>If you do it before the deadline, it shouldn’t show up on your transcript; ie, nobody will see it or know about it. Even if they did see it (which they won’t), I’m not sure why anyone would care.</p>

<p>Students do this quite often. It’s easier to drop a class (during the add/drop period) than to find an open seat in the right section and add a class. It’s a smart idea to overbook and adjust the schedule later. If done during the add/drop period, it does not show up on transcripts or any records of any kind.</p>

<p>I think it’s fine. I know in some schools there’s a “shopping period” At my school we have 7 days to drop the class and get 100% of the tuition reimbursed. Check the policies at your school.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. I’m going to end up doing it.</p>

<p>wait, people don’t do this? I always sign up for the max number of classes and then drop down to the normal number</p>

<p>well some schools limit the amount of classes you can register for. at my school you can only register for 17 credits max. anything above you need permission. in my case, i’ve never registered for more classes than i plan on taking. i always register for what i know i’ll take. it’s messed up for the people that want to get into the class when you’re holding up a spot you won’t end up using.</p>