Picking UCSD over Spring 2008 Berkeley?

<p>My D and a friend were both Spring admits for UCSB (HS class of 2005) D declined her space but her friend accepted and in late June was offered the fall 05 admit with housing..don't settle when you have what you want in reach you never know you may still start in the fall :) Good luck
but more than that Congratulations all of your hard work is paying off1</p>

<p>ucsd and cal are also 2 of my top choices. i'm a spring admit for cal too, but i heard from a friend's friend that the fall extension program is not that different from regular fall admission. you will probably still get housing as a spring admit, and no one will know that you're a spring admit unless you tell them because you live in the dorms with everyone and do the things that regular fall admits do. so, if you like berkeley, the spring admit program should definitely not stop you from going.</p>