
<p>I have been lurking and following threads on this board. Pinksummer09, did you get accepted? I know how much you wanted to got to Amherst. I hope it went well for you.</p>

<p>a concerned mom :)</p>

<p>Awwh, thank you so much. That’s very sweet. Well, do I have a story for you!</p>

<p>So, I obviously applied ED. I live about a half hour away, so I was actually expecting a response on Saturday, Monday at the latest. As of Tuesday night at 8:45, no response. Monday, after waiting by the mailbox anxiously for the mailman to come (he knows I’m expecting this letter), I come to find that it’s not there. He searched his entire cart for me, haha. No letter. I’m obviously nervous and stressed out for this letter, so I decided to call the department of admissions. “Hi, I applied ED, and I live about half an hour away, and I haven’t received my letter yet. However, I’ve seen that people as far away as Georgia have started to receive theirs, so should I be concerned?” She responded with a “Be patient, it’s Christmas time” (harsh words, haha). I said “Is there any way, if I were to present an ID and social security number, if I could come up and find a copy of my letter?” She said “Be patient!” and hung up on me. lol. I found this strange, since I was very polite, and I’ve never before come across a rude student, professor, or office employee involved with Amherst.</p>

<p>HOPEFULLY my long lost letter will come tomorrow…? This would happen to me lol. But if not, we have the phone number of the person with all the answers… the Dean ;)</p>

<p>Thank you so much for listening and for following. I’m thinking that I’ll get deferred, which is ok. But I do want to congratulate all of those that have received good news from Amherst (or ANY news, haha!). Go Jeffs! <3</p>

<p>PinkSummer09…we’ll keep a good thought for you!!!</p>

<p>Thank you. I will definitely post my results, no matter what they are. It’s just so strange to me that I haven’t received the letter. Haha, I could have walked there like 20 times by now. Oh well, that’s life :)</p>

<p>Agh…yeah the wait is killer. That’s so crazy you don’t have your results yet! I’m in CA, so I had to wait a few extra days. Best of luck!</p>

<p>I don’t understand why they couldn’t check for you, but you were incredibly respectful (and I admire your restraint!). It does seem very odd that the letter has still not arrived. If it doesn’t come today, I don’t think it would be considered rude to check again. Most schools that sent their decisions via email said that students could call the next day if they didn’t have access to their email or had forgotten password or whatever.</p>

<p>Pinksummer09 not to intrude or anything, but i was searching through the Amherst forums and you stated…“I’m a bit concerned about the lack of diversity I’ll be bringing to campus ;)” why would you be worried without having received a letter yet?</p>

<p>harpers497, I meant that I would (potentially) be bringing.</p>

<p>Deferred. They told me over the phone. SICKKKKK</p>

<p>harpers497, I meant that I would (potentially) be bringing.</p>

<p>I called the dean’s office today, because I still have not received a letter. Deferred. I feel strangely relieved and kind of detached. I still love Amherst, and I of course am so proud of the CC’ers that were accepted. Class of 2013!</p>

<p>Deferred is a disappointment, but you’re still in the applicant pool. If it’s still your number one, I would write a letter to that effect with anything new you’ve done and your counselor will be sending your first semester grades and so hopefully those are stellar. And… I don’t really know how Amherst might view this, but I might suggest another teacher recommendation, perhaps less structured than the original recs.</p>

<p>Deferred students have a much better chance of acceptance than waitlisted students…
If that will cheer you up.</p>

<p>I do recommend writing a letter expressing your desire to attend Amherst, about any new achievements, accomplishments, interesting things that will have happened in your life. Accompany that with strong first semester grades, and they should catch the drift.</p>

<p>You don’t need any more recommendations, but if you’d like, you could take the SAT or any Subject Tests again if you predict significant gains. But, really, a letter addressed to the Senior Dean of Admissions, perhaps.</p>

<p>Don’t lose hope! :)</p>

<p>Thanks for all of the advice. I’d be lying if I were to say I’m not disappointed, but I know there’s still hope. I really wish that I could say that I’m a member of the Amherst class of 2013, but I can’t just yet. I’ll keep you updated, and I’ll get started on my letter. When should I send it? Jeffs <3</p>

<p>“Deferred students have a much better chance of acceptance than waitlisted students”</p>

<p>Does this apply to other schools as well?</p>


<p>Well, deferred students are considered strong enough to be reevaluated in the regular pool, so they would have the same chances as RD candidates–even better, because their credentials and accomplishments have already been subject to close scrutiny, I’d argue.</p>

<p>The waitlist is used to fill empty spaces to complete a class.</p>

<p>More than a thousand people may be waitlisted, but a college may decide to take not a single person off the waitlist: the WL is also more about sheer luck, and the kind of student a college happens to need in a particular year.</p>

<p>Okay, well I asked that because Yale deferred me. So according to your logic, I’m better off than the waitlisted people?</p>

<p>Honestly, most schools do not take their deferred candidates. It is possible, but it is pretty close to a rejection.</p>

<p>The Ivies in particular defer a lot of students.</p>

<p>However, I’ll hold out some hope – my daughter did get into her Dream School after being deferred. My son did not, but is EXTREMELY satisfied with the school he was accepted at and now attends.</p>

<p>This year, Yale rejected 38%, accepted 13%, and the rest were deferred.</p>

<p>They say deferred has same chance as RD applicant. Is this true then?</p>

<p>I think Amherst took ~6 of the deferred ED candidates my year, which doesn’t give very good odds at all but is still much better than the 0 that got off the waitlist. 2 of those 6 are now among my closest friends, so don’t give up hope.</p>

<p>actually i read in an amherst info packet that they eventually accept 20% of the students that they deferred, which is a slightly higher percentage than regular RD candidates. From everything ive read and heard being deferred and being waitlisted are NOT comparable.</p>

<p>i think the confusion here is the difference between early action and early decision. top schools like amherst use early decision to get the people they are afraid will go elsewhere, legacies, and URMs. early action is different because the college is just offering admission early, with no guarentees for matriculation.</p>