Pitt application or Common App

My D2024 will be applying to Pitt next month. Just wondering if anyone has any idea whether it is beneficial to apply through their own admissions portal or use the common application? My older daughter had used the common application three years ago.

I can’t imagine it matters.

The Pitt website says, “ 1. Submit your application for admission
This can be the University of Pittsburgh Application orthe Common Application – we do not prefer one over the other.”

I have heard of cases where a student might wish to apply to more colleges than the Common App allows- iirc, 20? Then a student uses a college’s own app.

Prior to Covid and test optional, they did have a strong preference for their own institution-specific application. It was easier for them, which made the process faster.

As others have said, they are now agnostic.

My son applied to Pitt through the common app last year, and it worked out just fine. I would believe them when they say that they have no preference.


While Pitt doesn’t have a preference, there might be two slight advantages to the Pitt app over Common App.
You can fill the SRAR as part of Pitt app, but have to wait for the link if you do Common App. (Pitt even posts what you should do if you don’t get the link in 7days). So one less step for Pitt App.

They say on their website that they don’t even look at the grades section of the Common App - only SRAR.

Also, Common App submission can have delays in August. Last year some students reported Common App delays over 3 weeks for their Pitt App.


Yes, both true!

If I am remembering correctly, the downside of the Pitt app is that it doesn’t include activities or honors. If you want to include them (or LORs, which they don’t usually want but might be useful for a small number of applicants), you need to send each separately in an email to your admissions officer.


Common App saved my daughter a ton of time in regards to the application process. Does Pitt Admission have a preference?

From the standpoint of letters of recommendation, it can be very frustrating for teachers/other recommenders to go into multiple platforms and submit LORs. Why this matters? The more you put on the plate of recommenders, the less time and energy they might invest into writing and submitting everything properly because they often are already strapped for time. Which, as you might imagine, could affect everything going where it needs to go. I agree that Pitt likely doesn’t have a preference, but this is a factor that is worth considering from a different standpoint. Not to say this applies to all recommenders, just something I remember distinctly from the process (most won’t say it, but they often do feel it so why risk it on a bad day for them). Also @KorriRay is right about saving tons of time by using CA.

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Pitt doesn’t require or recommend that students submit LORs.


@Curium245 thanks for this info

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@CCName1 I think I read that you can upload a resume instead?


You can upload resume and personal essay (if test optional) directly in Pitt App.

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Pitt is having a virtual Application workshop on August 2nd.


If it’s possible to upload a resume now, it takes my main negatives for the Pitt app off the table.

Thanks for the insight.

Do you have more info on that?

Or is that by invitation only - I can ask D24 to check emails.

Register for workshop on the U Pitt website -
scroll down to virtual workshop and register.

August 2nd 6-7pm EDT is the application workshop


Thank you!!

S24 seems to have run into a few glitches with the Pittsburgh application. Hopefully he can ask for help at the Pitt workshop this afternoon to get it sorted out so he can submit today. He is using the Pitt App, not the Common App.

He was able to enter all his coursework and GPA/Class rank in SRAR, but the GPA and class rank is not showing up in the academic summary on the Pitt App, although all the coursework is being transferred correctly from SRAR.

He has asked SRAR support for help as well and hopefully he can submit today after the workshop.

Also the virtual workshop tonight waives the application fee so an extra bonus there

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