Pitt Honors Discussion and Results 2022, Class of 2026

Dietrich, Neuro

Last year we appealed for more aid, but you really have to have a compelling reason. We were successful, but that was going from $0 to $5,000. (Which is what you have now). Not sure you will get more. They seem to be moving to more need based aid like many other places.

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Honors housing question
My D22 doesn’t want to fill out the housing application until her roommate commits, which she was told would be sometime next week. They both are in Honors & Guaranteed programs, and plan on living in Sutherland. Is this smart of her to wait? I think I read above in the feed that it’s better to fill out the housing application once you have a roommate. I’m just concerned about the timing and and it getting close to the May 1st deadline.

To jump in here, someone in the main 2022 Pitt thread collected all of the merit info for families who shared it and detailed the applicant stats and awards on a Google doc. All of the $20k OOS merit awards appear to be for engineering and most of the OOS merit awards for Dietrich were for $5k, although it looks as if there were a couple of awards that were for $10k or $15k.

I don’t think it hurts to ask for a reconsideration, but to aheltzel’s point, you probably need a compelling case. Share alternative offers and explain how, say, an extra $5k might tip the scales to choose Pitt. I wouldn’t set my expectations for $15-$20k total, though, as the larger OOS awards seem to lean away from Dietrich, probably due (at least in part) to cost differences between the various schools.

Over the past two years, Pitt has definitely committed more of its discretionary funding to applicants with high financial need. Similar top-ranked people in my daughter’s school (we are in-state) regularly received $10k or $15k merit for Dietrich as recently as two years ago, and they are now all receiving $2k-$5k (if anything). That merit money has been re-allocated to students with financial need (Pell matches, additional grants for those right above the Pell threshold, etc.)

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DS wants to go pre-med route. Hearing rumors / reading online that honors could work against the student in terms of GPA and grade deflation is real at Pitt. Is this true? How hard is it to maintain GPA with honors on pre-med track?

@ELK_8 There is no advantage to turning housing in earlier. As long as by the May deadline, everyone is in the same position. Miss the May 1 deadline and you have no housing - they are very serious about this, happened to people last year.

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@hisschoolmomof2 There are many iterations of “Honors.” My daughter has several pre-Med friends in Honors. You don’t have to take the honors freshman bio and Chem. I would definitely stay in honors because it is critical for early registration. Just take the Honors classes you want. Some options require very few actual honors classes. My daughter didn’t take any at all yet freshman year and is a Bio major.

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May 1 is not the housing deadline. It is the commitment deadline. You get some amount of time after commitment to turn in your housing material. My son committed just before May 1 and IIRC he had until mid-May to get the housing form in. They do give time to those who wait until the last minute to commit.

I have a question. D22 and I just did her housing and meal selections online. How confusing was that!!!? Terrible. Any way, she did select Honors LLC from the drop down menu, but she was not taken to the Honors LLC application. Is this normal? Will she get a separate email with the application?

We called Pitt Central last week and asked about the same thing for the Business LLC. They told us LLC applications hadn’t gone ‘live’ yet, but should “soon.” They also mentioned that an email is supposed to be sent once they are live. Told us to keep checking email.


Thanks so much for this info

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It’s called “Panther Central” just in case others need to call them -

Number is 412-648-1100.


We just got back from Admitted students day, engineering and honors. We were all favorably impressed! Despite the cold and hail this weekend, Pitt has made the top two for my S22. I am hoping he decides within a week. I just want to say thanks to all for such a helpful and positive thread. I really appreciate the CC community!


I called Panther Central yesterday, and the man said that the Honors LLC application can be accessed from Pitt Pay account. Click pay housing deposit like you are starting your application again, then select the freshman guaranteed housing button , and he said that would take you to a place where you could see applying to an llc was an option.

D22 has not gone back on yet to do this, but i wanted to share the info.

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We were at admitted student day last weekend and tried to ask about merit aid. They slammed the door shut on any discussion pretty quickly. The finanical aid advisors said to talk to admissions people, and the admissions people were at one big table and wouldn’t sit down for a private meeting.

Today in the Pitt News
 student opinion piece. Pretty good read.


Yeah, it definitely would require a strong case to get merit if none was received and/or a higher merit award. Based on the spreadsheet data collected from this year’s admits posting on CC, the median OOS merit recipient had a 4.0 UW GPA, 1520 SAT, and 10 APs.

My D got admitted to honors. I heard Pitt has a housing shortage. After the freshman year, students may have to find housing outside. Is this true?

That is not true. Pitt guarantees housing for three years. Many choose to move off campus before that but it’s there if you want it. There has been housing shortages the last couple years, first because of covid when they spaced everyone out, and then because of over enrollment last year. Pitt responded by contracting with local hotels and essentially turning them into dorms. My understanding is there were even RAs assigned to the hotel floors.

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Thanks for the info.