Pitt Honors Discussion and Results 2022, Class of 2026

How do most Honors students wanting to live in an Honors LLC find their roommates?


New students join the ā€œPitt Class of 2026ā€ FaceBook group (create an account just for this and donā€™t use after). Then they post where they want to live and kids who want Sutherland form a subgroup (on Snap Chat I believe). Then from the smaller group they pair up and can form groups of 4, 6 or 8 to fill a whole suite if they want. My daughter did this last year and met a ton of kids in her dorm beforehand.

Ok, thank you! Iā€™ll suggest this to her!

There is a Sutherland East and a Sutherland West. Usually, honors is all on one side. Used to be athletes on the other side, but they moved them to Bridge on Forbes (super fancy buildingā€“apartments where they each get their own bedroom and bathroom and share common space). Now, I think itā€™s a mix of students on the ā€œotherā€ side.

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This is correct. Or you can go in as a pair, and you might get put in a double double (double room with shared bathroomā€“random pair on other side). The groups of 6 share a single bathroom. The groups of 8 share 2 bathrooms.

Question - Do the kids in honors college get priority registration for all classes or only honor level courses ?

I believe all classes.


In the description for Sutherland Hall, They say ā€œThe air-conditioned rooms are mostly doubles with semi-private bathsā€. Does it mean two kids share room with one private bathroom?

@akbsmd21 Sutherland has 2, 4, 6 and 8 person suites. My daughter has 8-person which is 4 double rooms with two bathrooms (two toilets, two showers, and a central double sink area). The 8-person suites used to be 3 bedrooms and a living room but they made those into dorm rooms too so they have armoires instead of closets. The other configurations only have one bathroom so the 6-person suite is the worst deal because it is the most people for one bathroom. I think there are only two double rooms with their own bathroom per floor. You can see the exact floorplans on the Pitt housing website.

My daughter went in as a group of 4 and was matched with another group of 4. Having two lounges per floor is great for studying. Luckily with the housing crunch this year they kept the lounges because Sutherland has no hall baths so they canā€™t be converted. The lounges in other dorms like Towers were converted into rooms.

Any thoughts or info about the honors advised Political Science and Philosophy major? My D22 is interested.

Thank you.

The requirements are pretty straight forward on the Honors page. Make sure D22 does an 8 semester breakdown of all the requirements (mixed in with gen eds if required). A lot of classes only meet in spring or fall etc, some have pre-reqā€™s etc.
The honors advisor for this degree is the same general guy who usually just copies and pastes the website info when my S19 asks questions. She will be on her own a lot with the scheduling of classes. You can ask for a suggested academic plan if they have one but I would think it would be listed on the page.
I imagine there is very little flexibility in this interdisciplinary degree as itā€™s nearly a double major like my son is doing. He took credits over 2 summers and will graduate in 4 years.

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Do you know how many credits are a ā€œnormalā€ major? This one has 7 classes in political science (21 credits), 7 classes in philosophy (21 credits.), and 3 classes in economics (9 credits). I think there is also 3 more credits from either study abroad/internship/research

I donā€™t Winky, sorry. I do know though by looking at the requirements that particular track would probably need to be started ASAP freshman year to fit it all in in 4 years. D22 might want to email and see if any gen eds are even required for it.

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Yes, ill let her know to take a closer look and to compare it to another majorā€™s requirements shes interested in.

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I know this is a very personal decision, but for those who have not committed yet, what are the schools you are weighing Pitt Honors against? What do you see as the positives and negatives of Pitt?

In our case, we are OOS and weighing against a state flagship. I wonder if we are thinking about the full complement of factors. Iā€™d welcome any thoughts from those still deciding, or info on what ā€œsealed the dealā€ for those who have already committed.




My DD has not committed yet. She is still waiting to hear from four schools where she applied RD; Sheā€™s been accepted to seven schools already including Pitt. We are OOS, and Pitt would be her least-expensive option after our in-state flagship (which she isnā€™t excited about; too close to home), so that makes it very appealing. However, she is a little unsure about the city of Pittsburgh (we attended admitted students day last month when it was extremely cold and we werenā€™t able to explore the city as much as we would have liked), and also about internship and, eventually, job opportunities through her intended program, compared with other schools she is considering. She is also evaluating offers from private schools in Chicago, NY, and Boston. She is waiting on those final four decisions before we sit down to make serious pros and cons lists for all of her options, and we have 2-3 more admitted students days to attend over the next couple of weeks.

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I would consider the major. If it is pre-health of any kind, Pitt is stellar. So is engineering, and the business school is excellent and so is CS. Philosophy is nationally ranked as well as Psychology. Graduate School of Public Health is ranked #13 nationally. Itā€™s just overall a top-notch university.

And itā€™s not huge, like 45,000 undergrads huge. Itā€™s big like 19,000 big. Thatā€™s 1 consideration. Have to like urban campuses to be comfortable there.

Price is a huge consideration for our family, so if your state flagship is significantly less than Pitt and I were you, I would probably be leaning towards the flagship school. I am in-state, so itā€™s already 1 of our in-state schools. Iā€™m a firm believer that state flagships are a wonderful value because of the enormous resources they offer kids, and you can usually find sports and that ā€œrah rahā€ factor and lots of clubs and activities are easy to find and join. But some state flagships are better than others as far as excellence in majors. But for some majors, you donā€™t need to have cutting edge excellence. I hope that makes sense. Not saying the teaching can be really bad and thatā€™s ok.

I am really biased towards Pitt, so Iā€™m not the best person for the negatives. I can say the food isnā€™t wonderful, but they seem to be always working on it. You know, Iā€™m sitting here trying to think of negatives, and the only thing I can think of is that the kids need to get a shuttle to Heinz Field on game day for the football games. When I went there, Pitt Stadium was on campus where the Peterson Events Center is.

Iā€™m curious to hear what otherā€™s think of as negatives at Pitt.

Good luck to your student


For my son, heā€™s leaning towards Rose-Hulman, but needs some additional scholarships to make that happen. Other options are Michigan and Alabama. Iā€™m not sure Pitt is high on his list right now, but we are visiting in a couple weeks. I like the size and think he will. Slightly better weather than home and definitely a bigger city, which might interest him. Heā€™s still just not sure.